Jan 1, 1497
Giovanni Caboto (John cabot) arrives in North America
Giovanni Caboto (also known as John Cabot) of England arrived in North America in 1497. He was to explore and claim lands for the English.
(Date not listed) -
Jan 1, 1534
French explorer Jacques Cartier arrives in North America
French explorer Jacques Cartier arrives in North America to claim land for france.
(Date not listed) -
France put in place the seigneurial system for North American settlements.
In the early 1600s, France put in place the seigneurial system for North American settlements
(Date not listed) -
The first permanent French settlers arrive in North America
The first permanent French settlers arrive in North America.
(Date not listed) -
Quebec City is founded
Quebec City is founded in 1608 -
The first hospital in New France was built
The first hospital called hotel dieu was built in Quebec City in 1639.
(Date not listed) -
Louis Jolliet and Jacques Marquette travel to the upper reaches of Louisiana
Louis Jolliet and Jacques Marquette are the first non-Aboriginal people to travel to the upper reaches of Louisiana
(Date not listed) -
The King of Spain, Charles II dies
The King of Spain, Charles II, died without an heir to take over his throne.
(Date not listed) -
The United Kingdom of Great Britain is formed
The United Kingdom of Great Britain, also known as Britain is formed when England and Scotland United
(Date not listed) -
Treaty of Utrecht is created
Treaty of Utrecht(Peace and friendship) is formed to stop the war in Europe and affects North America greatly.
(Date not listed) -
Fortress Louisbourg was built.
Fortress Louisbourg was built.
(No date listed) -
Thanadelthur was captured by the Cree Nation
Thanadelthur was captured by the Cree Nation
(Date not listed) -
Period: to
War of Father Rale
British and Wabanaki Confederacy were at conflict and the war was called the Wat of Father Rale
(Time not listed) -
War broke out between France and Britain in North America
War broke out between France and Britain in North America
(Date not listed) -
The British capture Louisbourg
The British captures Louisbourg
(Date not listed) -
The British builds a fortress at Halifax
The British builds a fortress at Halifax and brings in 2500 British settlers
(Date not listed) -
Broussard attacks the town of Dartmouth
Broussard attacks the town of Dartmouth and kills 20 villagers and burned down 36 homes
(Date not listed) -
Governor of New France, Marquis Duguesne sends a French team to build For Duquesne
Governor of New France, Marquis Duguesne sends a French team to build For Duquesne for the french. -
Period: to
Acadian Expulsion
Thousands of Acadians were moved from thier homes to other places. -
Lieutenant-General Louis-Joseph de Montcalm arrives in North America
Lieutenant-General Louis-Joseph de Montcalm arrives in North America from france to lead the french army. -
Period: to
Seven years war
British capture fort Louisbourg again.
British capture fort Louisbourg again after a military conflict.
(Date not listed) -
British captures french fort Duquesne
British captures french fort Duquesne in 1758. -
British government encourage people to be Planters
British government encourage people to be Planters and to go to northern reaches of North America -
Battle of the Plains of Abraham ends
Battle of the Plains of Abraham ends in Britain's victory. -
British capture Montreal
British capture Montreal in 1760 -
A secret council meeting was held on Chief Pontiac's territory.
A secret council meeting of the Odawa, Ojibwe, Huron and Potawatomi was held on Chief Pontiac's territory. -
Treaty of Paris is signed
Treaty of Paris is signed to stop the seven years' war -
The British delivers a Royal Proclamation
The British delivers a Royal Proclamation in 1763 to outline new rules for all people living in North America which announced that the British would take over the government of Quebec. -
Period: to
First nations attack the eight British-hled posts around Lake Erie and Lake Huron
The Odawa, Potawatomi and huron nations decide to continue fighting against the British
The Odawa, Potawatomi and huron nations decide to continue fighting against the British. -
Samuel Holland begins mapping out PEI
Samuel Holland begins mapping out PEI -
The Treaty of Niagara is created
The Treaty of Niagara is created to keep settlers out of the Ohio Valley. This became known as the Great Peace of 1764 -
Sir Guy Carleton becomes the Governor of Quebec in 1768
Sir Guy Carleton becomes the Governor of Quebec in 1768 in the place of James Murray. -
Carleton travels to London to convince the British government to reform the laws to preserve harmony in the colony.
Carleton travels to London to convince the British government to reform the laws to preserve harmony in the colony. -
Briitish ships carrying tea from the East India Company arrives in the Boston Harbour
Briitish ships carrying tea from the East India Company arrives in the Boston Harbour -
Quebec Act is passed by the British government
Quebec Act is passed by the British government in 1774 to protect French rights -
American Revolution
Loyalist Sarah frost leaves New York
Loyalist Sarah frost leaves New York by ship for Nova Scotia in the srping of 1783 -
The British pass the Constitutional Act of 1791
The British pass the Contritutional Act of 1791 -
The Act to Limit Slavery is passed by Lieutenant-Governor Simcoe
The Act to Limit Slavery is passed by Lieutenant-Governor Simcoe in 1793. Becaues of this, many Black people from the United States made their way north. -
The Embargo Act is created
The embargo Act is created to slow or stop the movement of American goods that supplied the British and French war efforts. -
Napoleon orders European nations under French control to stop trading with Britain
Napoleon orders European nations under French control to stop trading with Britain in 1807 -
Britain called Orders in Council, that called for neutral nations to stop trading with France and its allies.
Britain called Orders in Council, that called for neutral nations to stop trading with France and its allies in 1807 -
Chesapeake-Leopard Affair
A key event in the war of 1812 -
Tecumseh's Confederacy launched an attack against Harrison's forces
Tecumseh's Confederacy launched an attack against Harrison's forces on November 7, 1811 -
Battle of Tippecanoe
A key event in the war of 1812 -
Creation of Coloured Corps
A key event in the war of 1812 -
Period: to
War of 1812
The United States officially declares war on Britain
The United States officially declares war on Britain. -
Declaration of War
A key event in the war of 1812 -
Brigadier General William Hull issues a proclamation to the colonists in Upper Canada.
Brigadier General William Hull issues a proclamation to the colonists in Upper Canada. -
Siege of Detroit
A key event in the war of 1812 -
Battle of Queenston Heights
A key event in the war of 1812 -
Battle of York
A key event in the war of 1812 -
Battle of Beaver Dams
A key event in the war of 1812 -
Battle of Lake Erie
A key event in the war of 1812 -
Battle of the Thames
A key event in the war of 1812 -
Battle of Chateauguay
A key event in the war of 1812 -
Battle of Crysler's Farm
A key event in the war of 1812 -
Battle of Lundy's Lane
A key event in the war of 1812 -
Siege of Fort Erie
A key event in the war of 1812 -
Burning of Washington, D.C.
A key event in the war of 1812 -
Battle of Plattsburgh
A key event in the war of 1812 -
Treaty of Ghesnt
A key event in the war of 1812 -
Period: to
Population in Canada grows from 100,000 to 400,000
Battle of New Orleans
A key event in the war of 1812 -
The battle of Seven Oaks
The battle of Seven Oaks took place on June 19, 1816 near Hudson's bay Company's Fort Douglas. -
Bank of Montreal is founded
The bank of Montreal is founded in 1817 -
The Society for the Relief of Strangers is created
The Society for the Relief of Strangers is created to help alleviate the misery of poor immigrants. -
Oro Township is established
Oro Township is established in 1819 -
Hudson's bay company and North West Company merges together
Last known surviving Beothuk dies
Last known surviving Beothuk dies Newfoundland, named Shanawdithit in 1829 -
Britain bans slavery
Canada's first public roadway is created
Canada's first public roadway is created in 1836. -
Mackenzie and about 800 people march down Younge Street in Toronto
Mackenzie and about 800 people march down Younge Street in Toronto -
Act of Union
The act of union joins upper and lower Canada into one colony, named the Province of Canada. -
Period: to
The Irish Famine
Potato. -
Common school act is passed
This act created a system of free schools. -
LaFontaine and Baldwin's reformers wins a majority government.
The first time the English and the French achieve a common political goal peacefully. -
Radical Tories burns down parliament buildings in Montréal.
The Land Purchase Act is created
The Land Purchase Act is created in 1875 to deal with land in PEI -
Ontario's Carleton University is founded
Ontario's Carleton University is founded in the name of Sir Guy Carleton in 1942