Lois's 1920s & 1930s timeline

  • Prohibition

    The government banned liquor across the country in 1918. But many people bought illegal liquor made and sold by organized bootleggers and other small-time operation.
  • Spanish Flu

    Spanish Flu
    Soldiers returned home from oversea bought a terrible virus with them, spanish flu. To stop the spread of the flu, schools, theatres, and churches closed. About 50,000 Canadians died because of the flu.
  • Winnipeg General Strike

    Winnipeg General Strike
    Workers stopped working, and gethered in the city. They wanted the living and working conditions. Most of them were immigrants. The strike spread from industry to industry. Almost all industries shut down. Stores and factories closed.
  • Bloody Saturday

    Bloody Saturday
    A huge crowd gethered to watch a parade protesting teh arrest of the strike leaders. The mayor called in the Royal North-West Mounted Police. Shots were fired. 1 man was killed and 30 were injured. Five days later, the general strike was over.
  • Group of Seven

    Group of Seven
    Members of the group of seven were determined to create art that dealt with the Canadian experience. They took their inspiration from the Canadian landscape.
  • Radio

    Raadio was a great communication invention of the 1920s. Voices, news, and music could be broadcast across the country using radio signals.
  • Residential School

    Residential School
    1920-1930: Aboriginal nations struggled to keep their cultures and to have their rights recognized. The Indian Act, which is passed in 1876, government policy had stressed assimilation. One way the government aimed to assimilate children of Aboriginal nations was through residential school. Residential schools were funded by the government, but run by various churches. Children were taken away from their family and sent to lived in the schools.
  • Model T

    Model T
    Model T was a popular car in the 1920s. Ford set up assembly line so cars were produced faster. The car made people life less isolated and lonely.
  • Prime Minister Mackenzie King

    Prime Minister Mackenzie King
    Leader of Liberal Party (1919-48)
    Longest serving prime minister in Canadian history (for almost 22 years)
    The grandson of William Lyon Mackenzie
  • Joseph Armand Bombardier

    Joseph Armand Bombardier
    At the age of 15, he built his first snow machine. Spurred on by the death of his son, he set out work on developing a machine that would end the isolation of winter.
  • Foster Hewitt

    Foster Hewitt
    He is one of the most famous sportcasters in Canadian history called his first hockey game. For almost 30 years, he was hockey for thousands of Canadian who tuned in to his radio broadcasts.
  • Chinese exclusion act

    Chinese exclusion act
    On 1 July, 1923, Canada passed the Chinese Exclusion Act. This act banned all Chinese except students, merchants, and diplomats from entering Canada.This act was repealed in 1947. Only 8 chinese people were amitted to Canada. This day is known as "Humiliation Day."
  • Talkies

    Talkies was invented in 1920, but did not arrive in Canada until 1927. Before, films were silent, after, there will be sound attached to the films.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    The day the stock market crashed in October.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    The worst economic downturn the country has ever faced. This was caused by the stock market crash of 1929. It was a sign that the economy of North American was very sick.