Logan Lehr Timeline

  • Period: 63 BCE to 14

    time of agustus

    when he died
  • 27 BCE

    the life time of rome empire

    it lasted 1000 years
  • 27 BCE

    pax romana

    rome at peace
  • Period: 27 BCE to 486

    time of rome

    the roman empire
  • Period: 27 BCE to 180


    rome at peace
  • 14

    the death of augustus

    the death of augustus
    it was 14 ce
  • 50

    rome's armor

    they were weak
  • Period: 50 to

    rome armor

    the time line of no armor
  • 370

    the huns

    the fall of rome
  • Period: 370 to

    the huns

    the fall of rome
  • 410

    the visigoths sack rome

    they destroy the roman empire
  • 451

    the huns

    the huns
    the huns with rome
  • logan's birthday

    town of lehr, late night
  • Period: to

    life time of logan
