Monetary and Fiscal policies since 2008

  • Trade: New Oil Refinery

    Trade: New Oil Refinery
    The United States is planning on constructing the biggest oil refinery in 40 years. This new refinety will produce so much oil that our country will not have to depend so much on foreirn trade with other countries. This event is a fiscal policy because it is the governemnts way to stop the dependence on foreign countries for oil and also allow us to export more.
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  • Leadership: Ted Cruz drops out of election

    Leadership: Ted Cruz drops out of election
    Presidential candidate Ted Cruz dropped out of the race as the republican candidate after he lost to Trump in Indiana. This event makes it more difficult for our country to choose a suitable leader because it leaves us with less options and the options that are left do not seem promising.This event is a fiscal property because it deals with the government and the presidents that are going to be making the decisions.

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  • Budget: Required Stress Test on Banks

    Budget: Required Stress Test on Banks
    The Federal Reserve now requires all the banks in the US to pass a stress test. This test can check and see if the banks have enough capital and liquidity. This event is a monetary policy because it influences the money supply.
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