Liz- Triumph of 1563-1603

  • 1563

    foxe's book of martyrs= queen good pope bad

  • 1566

    fit about parli bringing up succession

  • 1566

    vestiarian controversy

  • 1566

    MAR- arch parker+5 bishops: 'advertisements'

  • 1568

    SEPT-hawkin's mex ships blockaded by spanish

  • 1568

    NOV- sp stormed into eng ports=eng took coin

  • 1568

    eng cath priest college in sp-nlands douai

  • 1569

    1569-1572 irish rebellion #1

  • Nov 9, 1569

    northern reb start

  • 1570

    70's- reshaping of privy council with prots

  • 1570

    liz ex-communicated

  • 1570

    JAN- northern reb end

  • 1571

    ridolfi plot- MQoS

  • 1571

    act so palpal bulls treasonable

  • 1572

    liz expelled sea beggars

  • 1572

    no more dukes made after this

  • 1572

    vagabonds act

  • 1572

    council of north reconstructed

  • 1576

    act for relief of poor #1

  • 1579

    1579-1582 irish rebellion #2

  • 1580

    portugal under spanish control

  • 1580

    1580s- presbyterianism rise and fall

  • 1580

    1580s- puritanism rise and fall

  • 1580

    1580-1585- 179 sem priests arrived to eng

  • 1581

    act retain q's maj's subs in due obidience

  • 1582

    11 cath priests executed

  • throckmorton plot- MQoS

  • Queens Elizabeth’s Men set up

  • william of orange assassinated

  • treaty of joinville-sp.-cath league in france

  • whitgift 3 articles

  • fam e.g. cousin l. hunsdon as l. chamberlain

  • parry plot- MQoS

  • treaty of nonsuch- eng-dutch prots

  • walsingham failed at colonising virgina

  • act against jesuits + sem priests

  • babington plot- MQoS

  • execution of MQoS

  • APR- eng attack on sp ships at cadiz- success

  • fail of cope's 'bill and book' (make church prebr)

  • death of r. dud

  • sp armada finally set sail

  • eng-sp eng channel naval armada battle start

  • eng-sp eng channel naval armada battle end

  • f. vere;friends maurice of nassau (nlands)

  • john field (prebr organiser) dead

  • 1592-1593- statute regarding corn export

  • 1592-1593- act repealing 1563s tillage law

  • imprisonment of peter wentworth

  • act against seditious sectaries(no-separatist

  • ½ all HoC members uni grads

  • sp. expelled from north nlands

  • 1594-1597- 4 successive poor harvests

  • eng 3 attacks on sp inc. capture cadiz

  • 1595 irish rebellion #3

  • lambeth articles

  • phil set ships to eng; defeated by storms

  • oxfordshire rising

  • 1596-1597- subsistence crisis

  • real wages down to less than half of '87's

  • council had 11 members

  • act for relief of poor #2

  • act for punishment of rouges

  • AUG- irish won battle of yellow ford

  • statute against conversions to pasture

  • statute against engrossing of farms

  • sent essex to ireland as lord lieutenant

  • fear of sp invasion=panic;but was fake

  • east india company set up

  • essex's rebellion, trial and execution

  • golden speech

  • poor law #3

  • MAR- irish+lord mountjoy (new l. lieut) reach peace

  • liz dead

  • sfdv

  • X