20110103  20110104 a01 bz04veterinarians p1

living time line

  • graduate from East central high school

    graduate from East central high school
    graduate from Ec and look for a summer job.
  • get part time job at pruskis

    get part time job at pruskis
    get part time job at pruskis so I can get some extra money for colledge.
  • apply for A&M

    apply for A&M
    Apply for a&m and hope to grt accepted.
  • attend A&M

    attend A&M
    attend A&M for eight years and get a doctoral degee.
  • graduate from A&M

    graduate from A&M
    graduate from a&m and look for a job.
  • get a one year apprentice job

    get a one year apprentice job
    get a one year apprentice job for expirence.
  • create my own vet office

    create my own vet office
    create my own vet office that I own.
  • Expand my vet office locations

    Expand my vet office locations
    Put my vet offices in more locations.
  • Retire from being vet

    Retire from being vet
    retire form being a vet with a lot of money.