Living During the Industrial Revolution

  • The first commercial steam engine is produce

    The first commercial steam engine is produce
    A steam engine was the first engine that uses the expansion or rapid condensation of steam to generate power. They were used for steam trains and railway transportation.
  • The flying shuttle

    The flying shuttle
    Flying shuttles were used for handlooms. It allowed singe hand weavers to weave better and wider looms and could be merchandized on the market.
  • The first spinning machine is patented in England.

    The first spinning machine is patented in England.
    The spinning machine was a textile machine used to spin thread. It was driven by your hand and feet. It made it easier to spin yarn into thin threads.
  • The first textile mills were built in England.

    The first textile mills were built in England.
    A machine used to make textiles. Texiles were cloth produced from weaving, knitting, or felting. It was usually fiber or yarn that was used.
  • The spinning jenny and water frame are invented

    The spinning jenny and water frame are invented
    The spinning jenny and water frame were both used to spin fibers. The water frame could also be used for hydroelectric power.
  • James Watt invents a condenser for a steam engine

    James Watt invents a condenser for a steam engine
    The condenser was used to condese water vapor. It also could be used to cool pressurization.
  • The first steam-powered carriage is invented.

    The first steam-powered carriage is invented.
    Steam-powered carriages were invented to make it easier transportation without horses. It made it more effiencient and was a masive step in the industrial revolution.
  • The first cast iron bridge is built in England

    The first cast iron bridge is built in England
    Cast iron bridges were much more durable that stone or wood bridges. It made it easier for people to transport over rivers or gulches.
  • A boring machine is invented.

    A boring machine is invented.
    The "boring" machine was invented for making cylinders for steam engines.
  • James Watt perfects the steam engine. The outbreak of the American War for Independence.

    James Watt perfects the steam engine. The outbreak of the American War for Independence.
    The Amercian War for Independence (American Revolution) was the fight of AMercian colonists against British rule.
  • The spinning mule is perfected

    The spinning mule is perfected
    The spinning mule was invented to spin textile fibers into yarn. It had some patent problems which were finally solved in 1779.
  • The threshing machine is invented.

    The threshing machine is invented.
    Invented by Scottish mechanical engineer Andrew Meikle for the separation of grain from stalks and husks.
  • The first steam engine is used to power a loom

  • A steamboat is alunched on the Delaware River

  • Samuel Slater installs copied spinningmachines at his mill in Rhode Island. George Washington is elected president of the U.S.A.

    Samuel Slater installs copied spinningmachines at his mill in Rhode Island. George Washington is elected president of the U.S.A.
  • Eli Whitney invents the cotten gin.

    Eli Whitney invents the cotten gin.
    The cotten gin was invented to automatically separate the cotten from the husk.
  • The first telegraph is invented in Paris

    The first telegraph is invented in Paris
    This send electronic signals from on locatio to another through a wire then it is translated into a message.
  • The first vaccination agianst smallpox, by Edward Jenner in England.

    The first vaccination agianst smallpox, by Edward Jenner in England.
    The smallpox vaccination was given by a bifurcated (two-pronged) needle.
  • The first submarine is built by Robert Fulton in America

    The first submarine is built by Robert Fulton in America
    The first submariens were used to explore under water but it didnt take long for the inventors to realize that it has major military potential.
  • John Dalton introduces the atomic theory to chemistry

    John Dalton introduces the atomic theory to chemistry
  • Luddites riot against new textile machines

    Luddites riot against new textile machines
    The riots where over the workers might loosing their jobs and starving.
  • Francis Lowell opens his modern textile factory in Massachusetts, using designs for machines copied from British factories.

    Francis Lowell opens his modern textile factory in Massachusetts, using designs for machines copied from British factories.
  • The Stockton-to-Darlington passenger railroad line is opened in England.

    The Stockton-to-Darlington passenger railroad line is opened in England.
  • The first photographs are produced.

    The first photographs are produced.
    Joseph Nicéphore Niépce using what today is now asphalt with a sheet of pewter. It was a view though his window in Germany of farm buildings and the sky. It took 8 hours to develope the permanent photo.