Live Laugh Le

  • I was born

    I was born
    June 9, 2007, Alyssa Le was born in Michigan and weighed 7 pounds and 11 ounces.
  • My first pets

    My first pets
    I had my first dog named Sysko, who I was very close too. I also had 3 birds.
  • Learned how to walk

    Learned how to walk
    After a period of time, I finally learned how to walk.
  • Started art

    Started art
    I picked up my first crayon and started doodling. This is the start of a new passion.
  • Brother

    On December 11, 2011, my baby brother was born. His name was Derek, I named him after my favorite cousin Eric because their name rhymed.
  • First day of preschool

    First day of preschool
    It was my first day of school, this was a big and exciting point in my life, although I was really scared at first.
  • Kindergarten

    Another big and exciting change from preschool, I was able to learn and find things I enjoy doing like art. I made a lot of friends and I enjoyed being at school.
  • Moved to Florida

    Moved to Florida
    After 1st grade, my mom wanted to move to Florida to be closer to her family. I was excited because our new house had a pool.
  • Moved back to Michigan

    Moved back to Michigan
    My dad didn't enjoy Florida as much as my mom did so we moved back. Plus he had a better job opportunity there.
  • New school

    New school
    My first day in Byron Center Michigan. I went to Marshall Elementary and made so many new friends.
  • My 3rd dog Ollie

    My 3rd dog Ollie
    My dog Brady recently passed away so my dad bought us a new dog for the family. I was so happy because Brady was my best friend and without a companion, I felt so lonely.
  • Tennis

    My dad and I started playing tennis more often and I ended up really liking it. I joined a club that summer and learned many different tricks.
  • Middle school

    Middle school
    This was the start of new friendships and a new time to find out what I like. It wasn't the best 2 years of my life but I did learn a lot more about myself.
  • Covid

    This was the first time I've ever been in a pandemic. My working skills really plummeted but I was able to work on myself a lot more. I honestly kind of enjoyed the little break, although I did miss my friends.
  • Trying different hobbies

    Trying different hobbies
    Covid was still a thing so I was inside a lot. I tried different hobbies such as baking, sewing, and trying out different sports. I also really liked experimenting with my style even though it's embarrassing to look back at it.
  • More friendships

    More friendships
    Middle school didn't work out and my friend group fell apart. It was the start of high school and went out of my comfort zone to socialize and make more connections. I ended up having a lot of friends who influenced me in a positive way which I'm very grateful for.
  • Got involved

    Got involved
    After gaining more friendships and involving myself in more activities I started also trying to go to school events. I ended up really liking getting involved in the community and it made me look forward to every day.
  • Art awards

    Art awards
    After submitting my artwork to Schoolastic I was able to win 2 gold keys and a silver key for my pieces.