litreracy Timeline

  • first day of kindergarten

    first day of kindergarten
    The first day of kindergarten I walked in with my mother holding her as tight as I could. I was only a little nervous until I came to the realization my Mom was leaving. I began crying and the grip on her clothing tightened. Once she left my teacher told us all the sit down in a circle and began reading to us. I finally stopped crying.
  • Mrs.Jackson

    In 3rd grade I was a flawless student and while reading I was chose to read out loud. i cleared my throat and got ready to read. I started reading and my neck started getting tight and so did my chest. i asked if i can be skipped. Later that year i had read 3 books and the next time I was called to read, I didnt stutter.
  • My downfall of reading

    6th grade language arts was nothing but stress. Everyday I had to read many pages from a text book. it was to the point where I hated everything about reading and the words flew right past my head. I didn't retain the information and just gave up on my love for reading.
  • 11th Grade (The Present)

    It's now 11th grade and I decided to step out my comfort zone and try to challenge myself. This is my first AP class that I've taken. I knew I had skills to do essays and read harder books. I find that advanced books increase your knowledge and vocabulary which I need for my social skills.
  • Ms.R saved my intrest

    Entering bailey I still had no love for reading. I had a teacher who gave us books that I enjoyed and got me hooked to the point where I would read ahead at home. I chose many different books for silent reading that benefited me in gaining more knowledge
  • My first narrartive essay

    In 8th grade a read one of my favorite books "Dear Martin". Weeks after the school had a narrative essay competition that had prizes for the best 3 people in the 8th grade. My essay was inspired by "Dear Martin" and helped me win 3rd place. I was awarded a $10 Barnes and Nobles gift card.
  • English l

    My Freshman year in highschool reading levels were advancing and my reading was becoming better. I remember I read a book called "Night" and I became very hooked to it. Everytime the teacher had a question for the class I was always the first to put my hand up. My teacher then recommended to take harder classes because I wasn't afraid to read to the class.