
Lithosphere Honors Project - NC

  • 100


    Pic: Pagnea was once the only continent on this earth. Water covered the rest. As techtonic plates collided, other land forms were created. So where ever the ocean touches the land, a shoreline is formed.
  • Period: 100 to Jun 7, 700

    Lithosphere Honors Project - NC

  • 150

    Yellow Stone National Park

    Yellow Stone National Park
    Pic URL: Yellowstone National Park was formed by volcanic activity millions of years ago. The park still sits on an active volcano where many geysers and hot spots are located and caused by.
  • 200

    Fall Line "Zone"

    Fall Line "Zone"
    Pic: The North Carolina Fall Zone is the erosion point between the coastal plains and the piedmont area. The Fall Zone is also known as the "break-in-bulk-points". This has affected shipping methods current as well as back in history. Water flows continue to erode the rocks within the rivers causing elevation to lower.
  • 250

    Mt Rushmore

    Mt Rushmore
    Pic URL: Mt Rushmore was also created roughly 1.6 billion years ago from large molten rock that began to come up from the earths crust. As the rock continue to rise, it cooled down and formed the flat mountain top.
  • 300

    The Appalachians

    The Appalachians
    Pic: The Appalachians Mountains were roughly created about 480 million years ago. These mountains are the most talked about and important mountains in North Carolina. The Appalachian Mountain ranges over 1500 miles along the eastern side of North America. Techtonic plates collided called pangea. These plates collided creating the mountains now known as the Appalachian Mountains.
  • 350

    Mammoth Caves

    Mammoth Caves
    Pic URL: Mammoth Cave National Park is one of the longest caves in the world. Formed around 360 million years ago when Ketucky was at the bottom of the shallow sea. Over the years, water had broken down the limestone that created the caves
  • 400

    River Basins

    River Basins
    Pic: River basisn's are smaller bodies of water (rivers) that lead to larger bodies of water..eventually to the ocean. Since water flows downhill, along the way it collects soils and other materials, creating the shores of the basin. This water usually comes from the hillside/mountains.
  • 450

    Meteor Crater

    Meteor Crater
    Pic URL: Meteor Crater was created about 50,000 years ago when an asteroid collided on earth. This hole in the earth is almost 1 mile across and 550 ft.deep.
  • 500


    Pic: Valleys are all over out planet and they are caused by the flowing of water which erodes the land masses. Valley's are just depressions in the Earth's surface. These are usually companied by hillsides/mountains as well as a river and/or stream. These are created from erosion of land from water. The water flows along, griding away at the land. There are (3) types of valleys: V, U and flat.
  • 550

    Niagra Falls

    Niagra Falls
    Pic URL: Niagara Falls were created by glaciers towards the end of the last ice age. The top of the fall ended up eroding slower and created a hole and the falls.
  • Jun 2, 600

    Barrier Island

    Barrier Island
    Pic: Sedimentation sand/rock formed these island formations all the way back from the Ice Age (18,000 years ago). As glaciers started to melt, water levels began to ruse. This ended up flooding some land masses. Waves and currents washed in other sediment and deposited them along the short line. As these were built up, this created the lnad masses known as barrier islands.
  • Jun 5, 650

    Stone Mountain

    Stone Mountain
    Pic URL: Stone Mountain (pluton) was created 310-350 million years ago and is the world's largest mass of exposed granite in the US. The sediments were formed through heat and pressure from many volcanic eruptions .