Period: to
Early America
"On Plymouth Plantation" Bradford
"Deliverance from a Fit of Fainting" Anne Bradstreet
"Upon the Burning of Our House" Anne Bradstreet
"Common Sense" Thomas Paine
"Hu swifey" Edward Taylorr
"On Opening a Place for Public Prayer"
Period: to
Constitution of the United States
Deceleration of Independence
" The Devil and Tom Walker" Washington, Irving
"The Raven" Edgar Allan Poe
Self-Reliance Emerson
"The Narrative life of Fredrick Douglass" Frederick Douglass
Period: to
Civil War Era
"I Hear America Singing" Walt Whitman
Moby Dick Herman Melville
Snow Bound John Whittier
Civil Disobedience Thoreau
Oliver Wendall Holmes "Old Ironside"
Ballad of Oysterman Oliver Wendall Holmes
Emmerson "From Nature"
The children's hour Henry Longfellow
Period: to
Regionalism and Realism
Gettysburg Address
14th amendment to the U.S. constitution
"The New Colossus" Emma Lazarus
"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" Mark Twain
Opiniions of Supreme Court "Plessy vs. Ferguson"
Period: to
Modern Age
"America" Claude Mckay
Period: to
Depression to Cold War
If We Must Die- Claude Mckay
Harlem-Langston Hughes
Wasteland-T.S. Elliot
Prufrock-T.S. Eliot
19th Amendment
"Death of a Salesman" Arthur Miller
"The Catcher in the Rye" J.D. Salinger
Opinion of supreme court brown vs. Board of education
Period: to
Civil rights to now
A Raisin in the Sun-Hansherry
Fahrenheit 451
The crucible-Arthur Miller
A rose for emily-William Fulkmar
WEB Dubois vs. Washington
I have a Dream-MLK
Speech after MLK death- RFK
"The Alchemist" Paulo Coehlo
"These Yet to be United States" Maya Angela
"Quilt of a Country" Anna Quindlin
The opposite of loneliness-Keegan
"Taking the N-Word out of Huck" CBS