Late in the 17th century and early 18th(1685-1815)
Age of Reason
Intellectual and philosophical movement that took place mainly in Europe and North america
Rise of concepts such of rationalism,snepticism, liberty, progress and scientific method
It finished with the French Revolution(1789-1799) -
Georgian Era
It refers to a period of British history which spanned between the years 1714 to 1830, and reigned by George: George I, George II, George III and George IV. .This is often extended to include the short reign of William IV.
The birth of industrialization, the abolition of the slave trade and the expansion of the British Empire all happened during this era.
There was extreme luxury alongside extreme poverty
The beggining of Consumerism -
Appeal to reason
It has Ancient Greek and Roman sources
Suspicion about the unknown and unconventional
Belief in the beauty of accuracy and precision
Emphasis on universal thoughts ,ideas and society
It started around 1750 and ended in 1830 -
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
It mainly started from 1750-1850 and transformed England dramatically from rural agricultural to urban industrial society
It encompasses main literary periods from
Romantic and Victorian to late Victorian era
Industrialization brought with it a middle class whose increase in numbers had a significant effect on the social strata itself: cultural norms, lifestyle, values and morality -
The Gothic Novel
The first gothic novel was The Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole in 1764
It came to popularity and the end of the 18th century and was influenced by the concept o sublime
Related to medieval period and architecture of the 12th and 14th centuries
Wild and supernatural topics in a mysterious way
It is irregular adn barbarous opposed to Classicism -
It appeared in the late 18th century and the early 19th(1798-1837)
Emotional apeal
Subjective point of view
Dissatisfaction with the known and conventional
Belief in expression and experimentation
Emphasis on feelings and emotional reactions
Love of external nature -
Pride and Prejudice
The novel was written by Jane Austen and was published on 28 January,1813. It takes place in the Georgian Era during the Napoleonic wars (1803–1815) .It is considered part of Romanticism due to its characteristcs and focus on love, marriage, feellings and love of external nature,but also contains some realism and criticism because of its critics against the role of women at that time and differencies between social classes. -
Victorian Age
The Victorian Age was the period of Queen Victorian´s reign from 20 June, 1837 until her death in 1901.
It was a time of rapid changed in economical, social, industrial, political, literary, science, religion and
Time of peace, development, prosperity and sensibility.
populations of Britain increased, because the people migrated to the London from rural.
The industrial revolution occured during this period -
A Christmas Carol
The novel was written by Charles Dickens and published in 1843.The story is set in Victorian England in the early 1840s
It blends many genres, including elements of Gothic literature such as ghost stories,supernatural elements, dark settings. The story gives emphasis to the social context ,so the Victorian reality is harmonized with the supernatural . -
Wuthering Heights
The novel was written by Emily Brontee and was published in 1847. The story takes place in Yorkshire, England The “present day” action of the novel takes place from 1801-1802 with the retrospective plot events occurring over the previous thirty years .
It is a gothic novel due to its use of ominous settings, supernatural elements( possibility of ghosts)and isolated mansion(Wuthering heights is an archetypal Gothic building, full of dark and mysterious secrets) -
Literary realism is part of the realist art movement beginning with mid-nineteenth-century French literature and Russian literature which extended to the late nineteenth and early twentieth century
It attempts to represent familiar things as they are
It is referred to as"the representation of reality"
It aims to reproduce "objective reality", and focused on showing everyday
Realism in literature was a post-1848 phenomenon -
The Return Of The Native
The novel was written by Thomas Hardy and was published in 1878. The story takes place in Egdon Heath, a fictional barren moor in Wessex in southwestern England during the Victorian Era between 1840 and 1850.It includes elements of Realism and Social criticism such as a concern with social conditions and the lower class, a general lack of happy and idyllic human relationships, a focus on money, and a concern with the natural world. -
Social Criticism
Social criticism is a form of academic or journalistic criticism focusing on cultural or sociological issues relating to matters of concern within contemporary society in particular with respect to perceived injustices.
This type of literary criticism was introduced by Kenneth Burke, a 20th century literary critic and critical theorist
Its origin go back to the Age of Enlightenment
The Testament of Jean Meslier one of the first documents of it -
The Secret Sharer
The short story was written by Josep Conrad and published in 1910 .It is set aboard an unnamed ship traveling the Gulf of Siam( the Gulf of Thailand) situated in Southeast Asia, bordered by the countries of Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Malaysia.The story uses elements of Realism and includes the author´s some autobiographical aspects -
Sons and Lovers
The novel was written by D.H Lawrence and published in 1913.The story is set in the early decades of the twentieth century in Nottinghamshire, an industrial mining community,in England. It is a semiautobiographical novel that narrates the psychological aspects of the familial and love relationships of a working-class English family.It expresses continuosly criticism and discomfort towards the social situation of the family and context.