Tphoto 00026

Literature Circle

  • The first chapter

    The first chapter
    The first chapter
  • Kensukes kingdom

    Kensukes kingdom
    We are going to read a book called Kensukes king
  • Connecter

    I was the connecter for the second chapter what you had to do was write down any connedtions of yourself or of other people you also ask all the other people if they have any connections.
  • connecter

    I have to be conecter again because you do each assinment 2 times.
  • Passage picker

    Passage picker
    I am the passage picker now what you have to do is pick three passages and write what you like about the passege.
  • Passage picker

    Passage picker
    I am the passage picker again I like being passage picker.
  • Word master

    Word master
    I am the word master and what you do is you chose three words you don't know the meanings of then you look up the word write the meaning then draw the picture of the meaning.
  • Disscuion Directer

    Disscuion Directer
    I am the Disscuion Directer and what you do is pick some questions and say them to the group.
  • Disscusion Direceter

    Disscusion Direceter
    I was Disscusion directer again it was hard to think of questions.
  • Disscusion Directer

    Disscusion Directer
    I am Disscusion Directer again it is the last time.