Literary Timeline

  • Home reading

    In a way for me to get ahead academically, while at home, my mom would have me set up on a children's reading website called Star fall. It didn't seem like I was learning much, (maybe I wasn't) but it was entertaining since it consisted of animated videos consisting of grammar topics like sounding out words, classic books with interactive animated pictures, and even plain old kid creativity games, most being non related to grammar.
  • School Reading

    Reading in school wasn't something I gave much thought to as something done for leisure in my spare time, since I only thought of spending that time playing. This 1 event, ordered by my elementary school to encourage reading, was a contest of most read books, with the winner receiving a kindle fire tablet. I cheated my way to win that tablet. Spending hours filling the spots for "books read", with books I merely took a glance through the pages. Consequently, i didn't win., i was indifferent.
  • Group Reading in School

    My lack of interest for reading became amplified when class reading was assigned and taken place. It was monotonous and uncomfortable. Different students would read too slow, too quiet, and would have difficulty in pronouncing the simplest of words, disrupting the flow of what reading could be if personal. The randomized choosing of students to read only worsened this mindset, holding everyone at edge, hoping their name isn't called or chosen to read. Though consequently, it's underwhelming.
  • Elementary School Reading

    Reading skills begin to develop further alongside interest. I started reading thicker books, going by thousands of pages. I was started off by a classroom reading assignment where we were placed in groups of three and put to read the first Harry Potter book. I'd always seen the movies but never thought I'd read the thick books that was the HP series, being displayed as comically over sized. I'd eventually finish the whole series in my own spare time. I was amazed by myself at that point.
  • Genuine Interest in Reading

    Ignited my the HP series, I had a taste of the intricate stories bestowed by the books and the characters that I became connected to and thrilled by the plot, to which I moved on to reading the Percy Jackson series. Equal in book length to the HP series and mythical element, it hit the spot. I'd read whenever I could during school and at home.
  • Stagnant Reading Schedule

    My time spent reading had hit the doldrums after completing the two longest series I had proudly completed and enjoyed. I attempted to maintain my connection to reading and the prior consistency, but alongside schoolwork and new activities that I was becoming a part of outside of school. I'd take some karate classes and start competitive swimming, reading then became the last thing I wanted to do in my spare time of rest from the overwhelming schedule.
  • Slight Improvements During the Pandemic

    My reading improved only slightly when I began building the habit of reading online news articles. This habit was started during the pandemic when an interest in current events, politics, and history was ignited by my 9th grade modern world history teacher, who though was tough on grading, possessed an aura of authority and demand for perfection, while arousing a fear and intimidation I've never felt in a teacher ever in my life. He was the most impactful teacher I thankfully ever had.
  • Reading & Writing: English II H

    My English 2 Honors class would challenge my writing skills, endurance for reading, and developing analytical skills. The most tedious material would've been the assigned texts to read, written in old English with references or metaphors that stymied the casual glance when reading a modern piece. Then came the essays, a form that I would spend the entire year perfecting. Most would do well with a 90 or above, and then the next would go down to the 80's and once, the dreaded 70's.
  • My Reading Exiting the Pandemic

    Writing is a topic I'm unsure of how I feel, I can enjoy it if it's regarding something I'm passionate about or interested, which I can then without a doubt produce an astounding product or decent piece of work. I was challenged by my transition back to in-person learning, transition to a new school, which I strongly believed had an impact on the English class that would impose strenuous work at times, but reveal my interest in literature through the content of the material.
  • Concluding School Year

    Past the struggle and stress of seeing the grade I'd get on a test/essay/assignment, I'd face the failures and use them to my advantage in identifying and avoiding them for future projects. Which would lead to my best writing being during the 4th quarter, acknowledged by myself and as well as my English teacher. I was ecstatic. I was past the follies from the prior quarters, when I used to be left stumped on formatting, inclusion of info, and articulation.
  • Concluding School

    This skill gained in English would be a grand aid in my other classes, such as US History H, being able to perform to achieve a top grade during my finale project and quiz. The guidance and devotion from myself were foundational in my understandings as a reader and writer. After taking the final tests and essays and doing more than well compared to my expectations. I left school proud, ready for the summer to relax from the year of strenuous growth.
  • Reading During the Summer

    In entering dual AP classes, summer had its bits of responsibilities. I was assigned to read and write, that of which I shamefully wasn't as consistent with as expected when entering summer with my fast paced work mind still fresh from completing my finals. I'd fallen victim to my absolute worst pet peeve, procrastination. Assisted with the aid of social media and lazy habits with the long hours left empty without school. It's ironic how much I'd miss the workload.
  • Present

    Currently transitioning to my previous habits. I've grown a lot now looking back at my younger years, a time when I wouldn't give much though to finding leisure in reading/writing. I'm much more open minded now about new things and the possibilities when reading, aware of the endless knowledge that can be retained through different material. I don't read as much as I'd like to though, mainly due to limited spare time. But it's something I'd like to strive for and improve on.