Literary Life Timeline

By emiuni
  • First Book I´ve read

    If you give a mouse a cookie is such a memorable book for me because it takes me back to preschool when my friends and I would sit in big yellow plastic chairs or sit in bean bag chairs and usj listen to my teacher read forever. Sitting there and listening to that story jusy gave me such a sense of peace and calmness.
  • Period: to

    Literature over the Years

  • Influential Person

    Mrs. Miller was my first-grade teacher, she would put us all in a storytime group and read the coolest most action-packed books to us.
  • Influential Person

    Mrs. Roberts really introduced me into reading chapter books and getting away from the so called kids books.
  • Literature I´ve read

    ¨The Birds¨ was a book I learned about in 9th grade and it has always stuck with me because it was so fascinating how someone can make such a beautiful thing such as a bird and give it of twist of becoming mysterious and a killer.
  • Books Ive Read

    To kill a Mockingbird, this book really got me interested in minority concerns and how it has been an issue and still is. This book completely introduced me to racial segregation and made me appreciate my ability to go to school and read, write and speak.
  • Influential Person/ Books I´ve read

    Mrs. Wentzel in 11th grade showed me how to analyze and see the deeper meaning of the story especially with the book ¨Touching Spirit Bear¨. She also got me to love and understand short stories and poems which is something I never was able to understand before.