The very hungry caterpillar
my favorite book when i was growing up. Definitely still top five. Literary classic in my opinion. -
guess how much I love you
one of the earliest memories of my childhood. My mother would read me this day or night, it didn't matter. I could fall asleep to it one night and be pumped about it the next day. -
Oh the Places You'll Go
This was my favorite book as a kid. I read from as early on as I can remember in my childhood and continued to enjoy reading it through most of elementary school. I loved to imagine other places that I could adventure to so I got very attached to it -
hop on pop
Dr. Seuss classic that always made me think of my dad whenever I saw it on my bookshelf. When I was a kid I used to think it was normal to go jump on him when he was lying in bed because of that book -
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
I can sing every song in this movie word for word still. Enough said. -
The Sound of Music
This was one of those childhood movies you watched over and over again, but didn't fully understand what was going on, but you loved it nonetheless. -
The Cat in the hat
who didn't read this when they were a kid? its a classic and it was one of my earliest memories of reading along with my mom and dad -
This movie embodied the spirit of christmas for me. It had Will Ferrell so I knew that it would be an instant classic and it was. I thought it would be a lot worse than it actually was and it has taught me to not let go of my inner child. -
Taledega Knights
"If you ain't first you're last" infamous words to live by. I was pretty obsessed with will Ferrell growing up and seeing this movie was a little life changing because it was the first time I had seen him swear. -
Harry Potter Series
When I say this I mean both the books and the movies. I watched the first couple movies before I started reading the books because I was just a little too young to dive into the series yet. But as soon as I did I couldn't put it down and when the last book came out I was so excited to finally see who won but the entire time I was subconsciously trying not to finish it too fast. -
Percy Jackson and the Olympians series
this was and is my favorite book series of all time. The protagonist was someone that I was instantly able to connect with and I would always daydream about being a halfblood (half man half god). When the series ended I felt good but empty because I never wanted it to stop -
Where the Red Fern Grows
I read this book in seventh grade and got my heart crushed. Still the only book to have made me cry. -
The green mile
This was a book i read when I first started getting into Stephen King and the way he writes just gets me hooked and stuck to the page for hours on end. He is the king of suspense and taught me how words on a page can still incite fear -
The Tell Tale Heart
The two things that I remember most about english class in junior high are Ray Bradbury and Edgar Allen Poe strictly because Ms. Sullivan was so obsessed with them. Still, they were masters of their craft. -
The call of the wild
This was a book about dogs that I thought I would love before I read it. Then I started to read it and I liked it less because it wasn't what I expected. At the end of it though i had fallen in love and had learned about the hero's journey as well. -
Different Seasons
This was a collection of four short stories written by Stephan King which included "The Shawshank Redemption" and "The body" (which you probably know as Stand by Me the movie) I loved how it captured the sense of the changing seasons with growing old and becoming bitter and I still have a connection to those two stories. -
Of Mice and Men
This was one of my favorite books going through high school and definitely the most memorable for me. I always remember seeing posters for the movie but never actually knew what it was but I was instantly hooked on the book and got through it in one sitting for a saturday school -
I was very interested in the lure that surrounded this play. I took drama freshman year and knew that it was bud luck to say Macbeth on stage or before a performance. -
Ready player One
Finally, a book that has video games as its main premise but doesn't ultimately fail as an action novel. I picked up this book randomly when the author came to visit copper fields and didn't open it up until a few months later but I was taken back by how detailed and fun the whole story was. I think there's a sequel but I never got around to it. -
The Adventures of Huck Finn
this was the only book that I enjoyed during eleventh grade. Mark Twain is such a respectable author and it was easy to see why his pieces were enjoyed so much. He had the perfect meeting in the middle of deep meaning in text that everyone could understand.