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Literacy Timeline

  • Reading when i was little

    My parents read to me a lot growing up. Every night before bed they would come in and read a Dr. Seuss book and ask me about my day. I used to love going to bed because i knew they would come read to me.
  • Hop On Pop

    Hop On Pop
    when I was 4 my parents were reading to me and they read me Hop On Pop, I automatically loved it and wanted to read it every night. Its still my favorite Dr.Seuss book.
  • Learning to read

    Learning to read
    i learned to read in my kindergarten class in 2008/2009.
  • Getting into Junnie B. Jones

    Getting into Junnie B. Jones
    in 1st grade, my teacher Mrs.Crouch would always read us Junnie B. Jones books and i got really into them. In 1st-2nd grade those were the only books i would read.
  • First play

    First play
    in 6th grade i was in the BCMS Treble Makers an we preformed a Christmas play called "The Christmas Carol" which went very well. I played many small parts.
  • Second play

    Second play
    In 2016 I was once again in the BCMS Treble Makers and we preformed "The Nutcracker" which topped the other one we did by a lot. I played Francis which was which was Fritz sister.
  • Something Big

    Something Big
    Something Big is a song by Shawn Mendes, in 7th grade i was obsessed with him (still am) and this amazing song he wrote and sang. I highly Recommend it
  • The Greatest Showman

    The Greatest Showman
    Last year The Greatest Showman came out and i went to see it and I got hooked. I have seen it over 10 times and can quote most of the movie. Its about how the circus came to be and the story of P.T. Barnum.
  • Saint Anything

    Saint Anything
    Saint Anything is a book by Sarah Dessen. I really like it. Its about this girl whose brother goes to jail, and meets a girl who becomes her best friend, and she ends up falling inlove with her best friends brother.
  • Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again

    Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again
    Last summer Mamma Mia 2 came out, and i watched it and its so amazing. I cry every time watching it because its so emotional, i also know all the lyrics to all the songs. Its about this girl named Sophie and she learns about how her mother (who is recently died) raised her on her own, and then discovers she is pregnant herself.