
Literacy Timeline

  • Period: to

    Literacy Timeline

  • Bedtime stories

    Bedtime stories
    When I was about 2 or 3 my parents would read me a book every night before bed, they were usually kids books they had collected for me before I was born or passed down from my brother. To this day I still remember the classic children's books and still have a special place in my heart for them.
  • Library Card

    Library Card
    At around 8 years old my parents got me my own library card and would take me on weekends to the library to check out books. I used to get multiple at once and it was my favorite thing to do. That was also my first introduction to the library.
  • Roaring Readers

    Roaring Readers
    When I was in 3rd grade I won a contest called Roaring Readers. The contest was a challenge to see which student could read the most books and you would win a kindle fire. I had started to read every night and kept track and eventually won the challenge.
  • First Favorites.

    First Favorites.
    Getting older the types of books we read increased. When I transitioned over from smaller books or picture books to chapter books my first two books I read were Because Of Winn-Dixie and Dork Diaries. I eventually went on to read the entire Dork Diaries series ( I had my own collection) and Because of Winn- Dixie became my favorite book.
  • Essay Contest

    Essay Contest
    In 5th grade I entered an essay contest. The topic was a choice of your own and I chose the story of getting my first dog. I was really good at elaborating and writing stories so I submitted my essay and surprisingly won, which I didn't think I would.