Literacy Timeline - Dawson Triplett

By Dawsont
  • Reading with Grandma

    Reading with Grandma
    In my younger years my grandparents would babysit me and often times read to me so I picked up on certain words
  • Finances

    On the other side of reading I didn't know how to read numbers until my family started doing annual yard sales.
  • Learning to read

    Learning to read
    School taught me to read, my parents were always at work so I relied on school to learn how to read.
  • Television...

    some TV shows helped me to broaden my vocab and teach me new things (mostly crime shows)
  • Speaking properly

    Speaking properly
    At this point in my live I had a heavy accent and barely talked, I still barely speak to this day. I had to take speech classes till I was in 1st grade
  • Learning to Write

    Learning to Write
    At this point in my life my parents had already began helping me learn how to write better but I didn't see very much improvement until our first couple on demands in school.
  • Video Games

    Video Games
    Video games in my early life broadened my vocabulary and eventually led me into reading books.
  • Reading

    Books only recently caught attention the first book I read from start to finish was Mr Mercedes by Stephen King.
  • School

    Classes such as English are the only reason I know how to use things such as prepositional phrases
  • History

    Even History classes and channels helped me to understand the meanings of some harder to learn words and phrases