Literacy Timeline- Amelia Oldfield

  • Reading with Grandpa

    Reading with Grandpa
    When I was younger, my cousin Erin and I sat on our Grandpa Tom's lap and he would read Dr. Seuss books to us. Some of our favorites were "One fish two fish red fish blue fish," "Green Eggs and Ham," and "If I Ran the Circus."
  • Book Fairs

    Book Fairs
    For as long as I can remember, I've always looked forward to the school book fairs. I always get as many books as I can. I have gotten many of my favorite books at these fairs.
  • The School Bus

    The School Bus
    Throughout all of elementary school, I rode the bus. I got on so early that it was still dark outside, so I brought a reading light. No matter how loud and annoying all the other kids were being, I would still focus on my book.
  • Rainbow Magic

    Rainbow Magic
    In elementary school, I was obsessed with a book series about fairies. I read every one that they had at the Bath County Memorial Library. Each book was about a different fairy and her story.
  • Detective Amelia

    Detective Amelia
    One day in elementary school, I found lots of old Nancy Drew books in the library. Even though they were mostly written from 1930-1960, I loved them. I read lots of them and it's what really got me interested in crime/mystery books and TV shows.
  • Sharing Books

    Sharing Books
    For many years my Aunt Judy and I would swap books back and forth. She was an 8th grade history teacher and always loved young adult books. Two series that we both read were "Matched" and "The Selection."
  • Writing Class

    Writing Class
    In 7th grade I was in Ms. Morts writing enrichment class. We would be given a picture or sentence to write a story about every day. Once we found a story we were passionate about, we continued writing it and revising it the whole 9 weeks.
  • The Island

    The Island
    In my writing enrichment class, I wrote a short story titled The Island. It was inspired by a writing exercise of a single sentence I added onto. I read this story aloud at S'mores Stories at the middle school.
  • Teen Writers Day out

    Teen Writers Day out
    In 7th grade I went on a field trip to Morehead for a writing workshop. It was really interesting to be introduced to different forms of writing I had never tried before, such as slam poems and raps.
  • "Romeo and Juliet"

    "Romeo and Juliet"
    In 8th grade my class read "Romeo and Juliet" aloud. My role was the nurse. It was fun to hear the dialogue out loud instead of just reading a piece of writing silently.