Literacy Timeline

  • Period: to


  • Dear Santa

    Dear Santa
    One of my earliest memories of writing is writing letters to Santa. I would spend an extensive amount of time writing my letters with my mom, brother, and sister. We would sit around the table after dinner or on the weekends and write our letters. After we were finished, we would drop them off in the mailbox for Santa letters on the Green in West Haven.
  • Pen Pals

    Pen Pals
    In first grade, we would write letters to our pen pal, who would be another student from a different school. My Pen Pal was Maddie, now one of my close friends. I vividly remember talking about our favorite sports and things we like to do in our free time.
  • Reading Groups

    Reading Groups
    In fifth grade, we would split into different skill level groups and as a group, would be assigned a book to read by the end of the week. Depending on how long the book was, the due date would change. The book I remember the best is the "City Of Ember"
  • Group Analyzation

    Group Analyzation
    For fifth and sixth grade, we were assigned to pick a book and read it over the summer. During the first week of school, we would split up with the kids who read the same book on the same team as you. We would have group discussions about them and would either write a short response of them or answer questions. The purpose was to analyze the book and to show our understanding
  • Newsela's Articles

    Newsela's Articles
    When the COVID pandemic hit and schools were shut down, the teachers would constantly assign Newsela articles with the 4 question quizzes at the end. I remember doing at least 2 a day for the remember of the school year and having to write the responses for the 4 question quizzes or the open ended responses.
  • Timed Writing

    Timed Writing
    In Mr. Trenchard’s class, for our final we were given an essay. If I’m being honest, it was probably the best essay I’ve written in the sense of getting to the point. I notice myself getting of topic in some on my essays or adding unnecessary information. Writing under a time limit and comparing it to my others essays made me realize that getting to the point and staying on topic is more efficient and better written then having a week to do it and write nonsense.
  • Scarlet Letter

    Scarlet Letter
    In Mrs. Plumey's class, we were required to read the Scarlet Letter over the summer. I read the book, but was completely lost and confused, so when we had an essay analyzing one of the topics she provided, I did not do so well. I was nervous to ask her for help, but from then, I learned to note take and ask questions when confused on the wording or in general
  • Journaling

    Recently, I’ve been having a hard time in my personal life. I started to journal to just write everything down along with my thoughts and feelings. I’ve noticed that the more I continue to write the better I become at writing and forming sentences with meaning. Although this isn’t school related, the more I journal and write daily, the more I see progress in my writing.