
Literacy Timeline

  • Bedtime Reading Sessions

    Parents read to me at a very young age, age 1, until I was able to read on my own.
  • Children's Bible

    Children's Bible
    I was given the Children's Bible when I was dedicated to the church at a very young age, but I did not start to read it until I began sunday school.
  • Reading Rainbow years

    Reading Rainbow years
    The television brought the joy of reading onto the screen in the early 80s, which gave me insight as a young child. I would beg my family to take me to the library every time I watched the show.
  • The Bearnstein Bear years

    The Bearnstein Bear years
    During Kindergarten, I began to learn how to read. My favorite books as a child were the Bearnstein Bear books.
  • Sunday School

    Sunday School
    I began attending sunday school from the age of 5, where I would learn bible verses.
  • Period: to

    Elementary School Reading

    Reading was a favorite past time for me as a child. I was able to meet the author Bill Pete during my time at Lincoln Elementary. The children who were at the top of the reading class were picked to meet this author.
  • The Goosbumps Years

    The Goosbumps Years
    I began to read the mystery and scary books in Junior High. My library of genres began to expand.
  • Brit Lit and English Lit

    Brit Lit and English Lit
    During High school, I was taking Brit and English Lit. I was given the opportunity to read such stories as Beowulf and Cantebury Tales.
  • Late Bloomer Harry Potter Fan

    Late Bloomer Harry Potter Fan
    I admit that I was late to the Harry Potter Train. I was not allowed to read the books until I started to attend college. It was there, that I found the first Harry Potter Book, which led to my crazed fan life of a PotterGeek
  • The Computer Age

    The Computer Age
    It was not until I realized I could find books online to read throught the library, that I began to broaden my reading horizons. Even though I was one of the few who remembers the beginning of the mass internet craze of 1995, I was not given the ease of reading from the online library until a few years ago.
  • English Education Major

    English Education Major
    Switching my major, even though I am getting in my mid 30s, was the best choice I had ever made. Enriching myself with so many different sides of the english major gives me the deeper knowledge and love for reading. From Poetry, short fiction, to true stories, I have found a new author to love and learn from.
  • Adrienne Rich Seminar

    Adrienne Rich Seminar
    Being a lover of poetry, I enjoyed learning about Adrienne Rich's life and how she came to write her work. Knowing she was a feminist and a lesbian gave me hope that, I too, can become an amazing poet.