Literacy Timeline

  • Goodnight Moon

    Goodnight Moon
    One of my earliest memories is of me parked on a lazy boy recliner in my family room with my grandfather reading to me, "Goodnight Moon." It was one of my favorite pieces of literature at the time, and insisted it to be read to me ad nauseam. I can only imagine what was going through his mind as he read it for a fourth time.
  • A Parting of Ways

    A Parting of Ways
    Shortly before Kindergarten, a young Collin Charron decided to venture off on his own and take on the tumultuous sea of literature, starting with "Henry and Mudge." Many nights were spent reading these short chapter books by lamplight before my mom came in and told me to go to sleep.
  • An Acquired taste

    An Acquired taste
    Later on I acquired a taste for the finer things in life and became infatuated in the works of Chris Van Allsberg. From "The Witch's Broom" to "The Gardens of Abdul Gasazi" I read it all. To this day, I still have my collection of Van Allsburg books.
  • A Grimm Reality

    A Grimm Reality
    As time progressed, I continued to read and improve my reading levels, I tore through "The Magic Tree house" series, as well as James Patterson's "Treasure Hunters" and "House of Robots." Upon my entry into 3rd grade, I was assigned to reading "The Sister's Grimm." I loved the series and once again finished the books well ahead of schedule, unfortunately, my classroom did not have the complete set, and I still have not finished the series to this day.
  • The Call of the Wild

    The Call of the Wild
    Similarly to third grade, upon my entry into fourth I was again assigned to a book series to read for class. This time I was assigned Erin Hunter's "Warriors" series. Unlike almost all other books I had read up to this point, I struggled to get past the first 50 or so pages due to sheer boredom and lack of action. Thankfully, Mrs. Hummel encouraged me to continue and I became hooked. By the time I was done with the books, I had read roughly 50 of the 70+ book series.
  • Percy Jackson

    Percy Jackson
    At the start of fifth grade I was looking once again for something to read, as I was waiting for the next "Warriors" series to come out. I found Percy Jackson. All twelve of the books were finished before the start of sixth. the Percy Jackson series is still one of my favorites to this day.
  • A Change in Pace

    A Change in Pace
    Following my completion of the Percy Jackson Series, my focus shifted away from fantasy, and towards historical fiction. I became obsessed with historical fiction I read everything I could get my hands on. I read about Native Americans, the settlement and exploration of the American west. I read "Unbroken" a story of an Olympian athlete turned fighter pilot, turned P.O.W. This continued for several years. Reading was an escape from the hustle and bustle of everday life.
  • Period: to

    Up in Flames

    Unfortunately, in the past year or so, the volume of books I have read has significantly decreased. I attribute this mostly to the fact that I have much less free time compared to the amount I had in middle school, and the content of my last year's English course was extremely boring and took the fun out of reading, discouraging me from wanting to read outside of school. However, I read two books over the summer, one of which was the assigned summer reading which I found to be very enjoyable.