Literacy timeline

  • 1700 BCE

    Alphabet gets created

    Alphabet gets created
    The creation of the alphabet was the first biggest development to literacy education. It was created by Semitic-speaking people in the Middle-East. It then continued to spread and develop rapidly by traders. This was a milestone in literacy education because without the alphabet theree would be no writing.
  • 1570

    The creation of phonics

    The creation of phonics
    Phonics were created by John Hart. He was the first person to point out that some letters make different sounds when they are put together.
  • ESEA

    A law by President Lyndon Baines Johnson that granted low income schools with federal grants for textbooks, library books, and other beneficial resources
  • Maria Motessori

    Maria Motessori
    She was a theorist who believed that children needed systematic training to master skills and also believed that learning the sounds of letters was more beneficial than learning the actual name of the letter.
  • Lev Vygotsky

    Lev Vygotsky
    He believed that children develop the most linguistically, socially, and cognitively through social interaction
  • READ Act

    READ Act
    This act expands basic education to all children and improves the quality of basic education and learning outcomes.