Literacy Timeline

  • Period: to

    Anti-literacy laws

    It was illegal for free or enslaved people of color to write or read.
  • Phonics Method

    This replaced pronouncing the letter by its name. But, changed to having the students pronouncing the sound of the letter. This helped students decode words by sounding out the word letter sound by letter sound and then blending the sounds.
  • Marie Clay - New Zealand researcher

    Marie Clay started the term "emergent literacy" which describes the behaviors seen in younger children. They use books and writing materials to imitate writing or reading, when they cannot read or write yet.
  • Uta Frith - British psychologist

    Uta Frith developed a 3-phase model with how a child developed reading. (1) logographic stage, (2) alphabetic stage, (3) orthographic stage.
  • The Common Core State Standards Initiative

    Created to help increase consistency through the state standards. This is what K-12 students should know in the different subjects including literacy throughout the United States.
  • Read to Succeed Act

    South Carolina introduced reading camps in the summer, reading plans, and literacy support requirements for teachers. All this was to help make sure students are demonstrating proficient grade-level literacy before they get the fourth grade.