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Literacy Timeline - Hunter Bradley

  • Mom Reading to Me

    Mom Reading to Me
    When I was younger my mom used to read to me. Some of my favorite books she read to me were the Brown Bear series by Bill Martin, Jr and Eric Carle and Love You Forever by Robert Munsch. I still have these book to this day.
  • Dressed Up As Mr. H

    Dressed Up As Mr. H
    In Kindergarden we had these things called letter people and they would help us learn letters. Our teacher would hide them around the room and when someone found one we'd learn about it. We had a letter people parade and I dressed up as Mr. H. I still have the costume my grandma made me.
  • First Chapter Book

    First Chapter Book
    When I was is Kindergarden and 1st grade I would read the Junie B. Jones books. I was in love with them. I had read every single one by the end of the year. They are really special to me because it was a big milestone in my life to read a chapter book.
  • Accelerated Reader Point Club

    Accelerated Reader Point Club
    When I was in Kindergarden, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade we did a program called accelerated reader. You had to read a book and take a short test over it online and you would get points. In 1st grade I made it to the 50 point club so I went to a party. This made me feel good about how much I read.
  • Book Signing

    Book Signing
    I used to be so obsessed with the Magic Treehouse books when I was younger. So one day at Joseph Beth Booksellers in Lexington they were having a book signing by Jack and Annie from the Magic Treehouse books. I thought it was such a cool experience even though it wasn't signed by the actual author.
  • Goosebumps Set

    Goosebumps Set
    In second grade I had really gotten into reading Goosebump books. I had already had some when I was in Kindergarden but I never read them and I had watched almost all of the tv series. Goosebumps was my favorite show in Kindergarden. The Christmas Eve of 2012 I got the complete set of the classic Goosebumps series. I was so excited to read them all.
  • Academic Team

    Academic Team
    When I went to Crossroads Elementary School I was on the academic team. In 4th grade I joined in the category of Language Arts. I don't think I could've done any better in any other category. I placed 1st almost every time except state. It was lots of fun.
  • Reading Trophy

    Reading Trophy
    At my 5th grade graduation the teachers passed out a trophy for the top three readers in the grade. I got one, Hadley got one, and Angel got one. I was so happy to get the trophy because I knew that I read a lot but I never expected to get a trophy.
  • Teen Writers Day Out

    Teen Writers Day Out
    Last year I went to Teen Writers Day Out. This was my first time going so i didn't really know what to expect. It taught me a lot about getting out of your comfort zone when you write. It was very fun to write with my friends.
  • STLP Book Trailer

    STLP Book Trailer
    At STLP state our book trailer won first place. For those who don't know, a book trailer is a trailer you make based on a book. We had a bunch more time and people to help than we did the year before where we placed second. It felt really good to go up on stage in front of a bunch of people and place first.