Literacy Timeline

  • The Bad Case of Stripes

    The Bad Case of Stripes
    Sitting in class listening to my teacher as she reads through the pages of the book The Bad Case of Stripes. I'm hooked by the story of the little girl as she gets sick and her skin gains colors of the rainbow in a pattern of stripes on her skin. I did enjoy it a lot and picked up the book once again to read on my own.
  • The 100 Notebook

    The 100 Notebook
    My dad brought some notebooks and instructed for my siblings and I to write on the first page 1- 100 he would then sign at the bottom of the page as a mark of correction and completion. We were to continue writing the next 100 every new page and this was going to help improve handwriting and thinking. Over time my siblings stop doing it, but I didn't until years. Doing this helped me become determined and made me want to aim to achieve beyond those around me and whats expected.
  • Junie B. Jones

    Junie B. Jones
    My 2nd grade teacher was a fan of the book series Junie B. Jones. She had a collection of them in her classroom and during a reading session I decided to read one of the Junie B. books. I fell in love with it. That was a hole that dragged me to buy myself some of the books and have a collection of my own.
  • Reading Matilda

    Reading Matilda
    Matilda ranks at the top of my favorite childhood books, it was a huge inspiration to me as well. I would have that book checked out almost very time my class went to the library. Matilda was the novel and movie that made me enjoy or want to enjoy reading and learning. The novel was not the exact same as the movie, there were definitely occurrences that the movie left out and some that were not in the book but I loved it nevertheless.
  • Turning one page to more than one

    Turning one page to more than one
    I recall my teacher being surprised and curious on what I could say to write so much on a topic for a writing assignment. I don't recall what the assignment exactly was on about, but I do remember deciding to summarize and talk about the book Matilda. I had a burning passion for Matilda and I was unable to fit my entire thoughts onto one piece of paper. I ended up with a booklet to hang on the billboard where the whole class's writings were displayed.
  • Reading Logs

    Reading Logs
    We had to do these weekly reading log where you would write down the title of the book you read, how much you spent on it, the page numbers, and by the end of the week have a guardian sign it. Honestly I hated doing these reading logs so I wrote down different titles, made up believable numbers, and learned to forge my parents signature. I learned that I didn't want to be forced to read and with the reading logs out of the way I just read whenever I wanted and it felt like freedom.
  • My Favorite Book

    My Favorite Book
    In the 8th grade the library was organized by genre I was skimming through the fantasy section and came across The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. I ended up not finish The Lord of the Rings, but I did finish The Hobbit and it stuck to me. As I was reading The Hobbit I was imagining the entire book as if I were watching it and not reading it. The book was so detailed and beautifully written I fell in love with it.
  • One Book leads to another

    One Book leads to another
    In 8th grade my friend and I would go to the library during lunch period. We would talk with the librarian, check out books, and work on assignments. I remember hearing so much about the Boy in Striped Pajamas, so I checked it out and ended up really enjoying the story. The book made me more curious about The Holocaust and so I searched for books on The Holocaust that I found interesting. I learned of the horrors of the genocide and inspired me keep looking into it and learning more about it.