Literacy timeline image

Literacy TImeline

  • 1900 BCE

    Proto-Sinaitic script

    Proto-Sinaitic script
    Used by Ancient Egyptians, Proto-Sinaitic script (Sinai) was the first form of an alphabet system! This form of writing was used for hundreds of years and looks drastically different than the alphabetic writing that we see today! Sinai is an upgraded version of hieroglyphics. To create Sinai, 30 different glyphs were chosen and given a unique sound.
  • Louise Rosenblatt

    Louise Rosenblatt
    Louise is a Literacy Theorist who stressed the importance of children figuring out the meaning of what they are reading! She recognized and spoke of the significance of children relating the literature they are reading to their real life experiences. She believed they should include their own backgrounds into their reading experiences and that they should interpret these stories however they please without being wrong. This influential thinker was a professor at NYU died at 100 years old.
  • Denny Taylor

    Denny Taylor
    Denny Taylor is a literacy theorist who developed the Family Literacy Concept in 1983, among many other things such as being an author to 19 different books; both fiction and non fiction. Denny Taylor also believes in the detriment that standardized testing has on a child's learning. We still see her impact in schools today like guidance counselors connecting teachers to families, family literacy nights, and educational classes for parents whose first language was not English.
  • American with a Disability Act (ADA)

    American with a Disability Act (ADA)
    In 1990, the American with a Disability Act (ADA) protects against discrimination to state and local government activities, services, and programs! This protection stays in place even if the place recieves Federal financial aid.
  • National Family Literacy Day

    National Family Literacy Day
    In 1994, Congress designated November 1st National Family Literacy Day and the whole month of November National Family Month! This action has helped practicing educators emphasize the importance their students families have on their education. Many resources for families like training programs have arose from this to ensure children are learning beyond school walls!
  • Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

    Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
    President Obama signed the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) on the 10th of December in 2015. ESSA reinforced our nations commitment to education to provide the same opportunities and equality to every child by reauthorizing the 50 year Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). After the No Child Left Behind Act became too hard for educators as it required too much of them, ESSA has bettered education for students and teachers!