Literacy Timeline

  • Church Play

    Church Play
    I played a candle at the play and I had speaking parts. I was so nervous to speak in front of the whole church, but I got up on the stage and recited them perfectly.
  • Letters and Sounds with Nana

    Letters and Sounds with Nana
    My nana would teach me letters and sounds. She had old worksheets that I would write on and I really looked forward to working them out.
  • Little Green Books

    Little Green Books
    When I was little, my nana always read "The Giving Tree" to me. It was my favorite book forever.
  • Little Alphabet Books

    Little Alphabet Books
    When I went to my great aunts, she always had a little alphabet book that I would work on while she cooked. Sometimes, I would work on my cursive writing.
  • "You are my sunshine"

    "You are my sunshine"
    When I was probably 5 or 6,my nana and I would sit on her porch, waiting on my mother to get home. As we were swinging, she always sang ,"You are my Sunshine."
  • The Book Fair

    The Book Fair
    When I was in the first grade, my class went to the scholastic book fair, which was always my favorite thing. I was searching through the fiction section and I found a large, 24 pack of Junie B. Jones books. I loved them and still have them today.
  • Church

    One Sunday at church, Brother Rice asked me to read a verse in front of the whole church. I was terrified. I went up to the podium and realized it wasn't that bad.
  • Our Hometown Hero

    Our Hometown Hero
    In third grade, I had to write about our hometown hero, William Reed. I interviewed him to get the information I need. it turned out to be a great paper.
  • Nancy Drew

    Nancy Drew
    Once at Preston Court Day, I was searching through someone's old treasures and lucked up on Nancy Drew books. The books looked really interesting, so I decided to buy one. I read it and absolutely loved it. I've been obsessed ever since.
  • Looking for Alaska

    Looking for Alaska
    In 7th grade, my friend recommended a book to me. It was "Looking for Alaska" by John Greene. It was the first book that brought tears to my eyes.