Literacy timeline

  • Green Eggs and Ham

    Green Eggs and Ham
    When I was around 3 what book I remember most reading is Greens Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss. This book was one of the first books my mom started reading to me. It was one of my favorites for a very long time.
  • Writting with my mom

    Writting with my mom
    I think I was around 4 when I really started writing things. I remember my mom used to make me write my name, her phone number and our address everyday over and over. This was so these things would be printed into my mind.
  • Reading my first chapter book

    Reading my first chapter book
    I believe the first chapter book I ever read was Junie B. Jones. I used to read these books all the time. I do still enjoy reading funny silly books like that still. I think this sparked my liking for reading.
  • Writing my first essay

    Writing my first essay
    When I was around 6 I think thats when I wrote my first essay on penguins. I do still like writing right now, but not the type of writing we do in school. I do not like writing where I have to write in MLA format> I like to show emotions.
  • Diary of a Wimpy kid

    Diary of a Wimpy kid
    I skip ahead to around my 7th grade year. I remember reading a lot of the diary of a wimpy kids book. They were some of my favorite series. Even now I really enjoy reading them. It is nice to read something where there are not any real world problems. It makes you feel like a little kid again.
  • crossover

    In 8th grade I read a book called crossover. This book was about basketball and it really did spark my liking of reading. I could not put the book down. It felt like I was watching a movie. I really related to this book.
  • Confirmation paper

    Confirmation paper
    When I was in 9th grade I wrote a paper about why I wanted to be confirmed for the church. The priest was reading it so you had to make it good. I really loved this paper because I put all my emotions into it. It felt so good to write something and actually be me.
  • Saint paper

    Saint paper
    In 10th grade I had to write another essay on what saint I wanted to represent me. I chose Mother Teresa. I always had felt very good about her. I loved writing this essay. It was my last essay I remeber enjoying writing about. When I write something I like I can write about it forever.