Literacy Narrative

  • Period: to

    Toddler Stage

    The first time I lost a tooth, I was addicted. Making money off l teeth was the best thing I had come up with. I did this until i did not have anymore teeth to pull.
  • Pre-Teen

    I lived in maryland for my pre-teen years, i learned more about what i was interested in which was creating things. I made rainbow loom bracelets and sold candy, this was my way of making money and i absolutely loved it, because i was making money at such a young age.
  • Now Pre-Adult

    I am now a full-time college student majoring in business administration and run a business braiding hair. This degree will help me to futher more learn about how to manage a business. I have learned with personal experience talking and servicing clients how to deal with them So i am getting hands on experience as well as the study of business.
  • Future Adult stage

    In the future i see my self graduating from TSU with all the information i need to have a successful running business, with the knowledge and experience i have gained over the years from a little kid to where i am now, i know my future will be bright.