Literacy Memoir

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    Reading to Bed

    My parents made the conscious decision to cuddle and read my sister and I to bed every night. This was one of my favorite part of the day since I got to be told stories until I fell asleep, and cuddle up with my parents.
  • Book Bags

    In kindergarten I brought home books every week in a see through bag to read at home with my parents.
  • The Lovables in the Kingdom of Self Esteem

    Once my Mom and Dad introduced me to this book I asked for it to be read to me repeatedly. I think I enjoyed how the animals in the book talked positively about themselves and lifted up the reader as well.
  • Chrysanthemum

    During this year Chrysanthemum was one of my favorite books. I think I first was introduced to it through school.
  • Batman Stories

    My dad introduced the idea of making up stories instead of reading them at night time. After that one time I always wanted him to make up Batman and Robin stories for me when he was home since he worked free lance. This made the stories more unique and special for me. I think this is why I love the movie the Dark Knight so much now.
  • Reading glasses

    There was a point when some of my friends had reading glasses and I wanted some, but had 2020 vision. One night when I was reading aloud with my parents I faked not being able to see the words to try to fool them. I gave up after a page or two when they got concerned. Looking back it's quite funny how I thought.
  • Reading in High School

    I felt like in high school I could never keep up with the reading homework. I think of myself as a distracted and slow reader. I constantly lost my place in the book or would catch myself day dreaming.
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    In quarantine, like many others I was forced to do a lot of reflecting. In this time of thinking I knew I never really enjoyed reading in my free time, but that I'd like to start trying. Since then I've read 2 books and am now reading a book about Buddhism!