Literacy Journey Discussion - Kaiden Tlemsanix

  • I was Born - Signing Before Reading

    I was Born - Signing Before Reading
    I have no reading experience! I began to learn signs before I learn how to write.
  • Toddler - Listening to Parents Read

    Toddler - Listening to Parents Read
    My parents read picture books to me. Some books had textures I could touch. I remember loving Go, Dog, Go! Books like these had charming visuals and simple sentences.
  • Pre-K - Learning the Basics

    Pre-K - Learning the Basics
    Pre-reading stage. I learned the Alphabet, but I couldn't quite read. Books like A House for Hermit Crab were my favorite. Again, I was mostly fascinated with the art style and simple story. I still reference these books to this day.
  • Kindergarten - Simple Sentences

    Kindergarten - Simple Sentences
    During Kindergarten, I began to learn the structure of basic sentences. This is the beginning of the early reading stage, where I began to write letters and combine words on paper. I also remember practicing lots of handwriting work, which I enjoyed.
  • 1st-2nd Grade - Pamphlets

    1st-2nd Grade - Pamphlets
    I consider this era to be novice reading; I started to read short stories while also writing my own paragraphs. I also made paper pamphlets in class which sparked my imagination for telling stories with illustrations.
  • 3rd Grade - Decoding Excerpts

    3rd Grade - Decoding Excerpts
    3rd grade is the first time I had to read complex excerpts from novels, while decoding their meanings and structure. I was largely intimidated with the prospect of reading from non-picture books.
  • 4th-5th Grade - Reading Novels

    4th-5th Grade - Reading Novels
    These years began my comprehensive reading. I remember greatly enjoying the Wayside School books. I cannot remember the names of the other novels I read, but it was a jump in difficulty.
  • Middle School - Struggle with Shakespeare

    Middle School - Struggle with Shakespeare
    Reading fluency. I began to struggle with reading during middle school, as we begin to read at a much higher level. I had to read Shakespeare, such as A Midsummer Night's Dream. It was difficult having to decipher Shakespeare's writings. I believe I began to fall behind during these grade levels.
  • High School - Fluency

    High School - Fluency
    Reading fluency, continued. I had a very nice English teacher during these years, who inspired me to read more. I began to read books on my own time. My classes focused on novels such as Things Fall Apart, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Great Gatsby, Of Mice and Men, and many others.
  • Current Era - Reading for Fun

    Current Era - Reading for Fun
    I'm still improving my reading and writing skills. I began to read science fiction novels consistently, starting in high school. I love the Horus Heresy series, although I certainly can't recommend it for everyone.