Brown v. Board of Education
Determined "Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal". While the case was in regards to racial segregation, it led to the questioning of equality of the separate education facilities for disabled people. -
Mom is born
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
A broad anti-discrimination law that prohibited discrimination against people with disabilities in all entities that receive federal funding. Allows all students with disabilities the right to access education, and can receive accommodations to how they’re learning with a 504 plan. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
Declared all children with disabilities have the right to a free, appropriate, public education (FAPE). This means that state and local education agencies are held accountable for providing this education, regardless of disability label or severity, all at no cost to the family. This also defines Least Restrictive Envionment (LRE). -
Hudson v. Rowley
Schools must provide sufficient, but NOT the best possible education for students with disability to be receiving FAPE. This has changed in 2017. -
Education of Handicapped Act Amendments
Amended EAHCA to include children 3-5. Also created early intervention programs for children with disabilities from birth to 2, such as the handicapped infant and toddler program. -
Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
EAHCA becomes IDEA. Some amendments were that authority was given to states to expand the definition of "developmental delay" from birth - 5 to include 6 - 9. It also extended special education to include social work services and rehabilitation services. -
Public Law 105-17 reauthorized the IDEA
Amended that general education teachers are a part of the IEP team. It also mandated that schools must report the progress of disabled students to their parents as frequently as they report the progress of non-disabled students to their parents. -
No Child Left Behind Act
Created early intervention reading programs. It also increased accountability on schools. -
Sister's Born
I was born
Lady Gaga released Born this Way album
May 23, 2011 -
Graduated from high school