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Literacy History Timeline

  • Early Days 1995-1996

    Early Days 1995-1996
    When I was younger my mom would read me a story every night before I went to sleep. It was usually Goodnight Moon. I remember always hearing my parents talk and others talking around me as a child.
  • Preschool 1998-2000

    Preschool 1998-2000
    When I started preschool I remember being able to read some words and when I was out with my mom or dad we would read the street signs together, but I was still struggling.
  • Kindergarten 2000-2001

    Kindergarten 2000-2001
    When I was in kindergarten my school always had us do monthly reading checks where we had to read a passage out loud to our teacher. I always would struggle during this and my teacher told me that I needed to learn how to read faster because I was too slow. Another memory from kindergarten was when my teacher told me that my handwriting was very bad and I needed to write my name 20 times a week during play time and show it to her.
  • Elementary Years

    Elementary Years
    When I was in elementary school my teachers noticed that I was not reading at the level that I should be and I was behind for my grade. Since I was so bad at reading I grew to dislike reading since it was so frustrating to me.
  • Elementary

    After my teachers and parents noticed how behind I was in my reading and comprehension skills, my mom got me a tutor that would come to my house twice a week all throughout elementary school to help me with this.
  • Elementary

    In the summer at my local library, there was a reading challenge that kids could participate in. I got a sheet of paper that had a rocket on it and for every book I read I got to color in parts of the rocket and I filled the whole rocket and I got coupons for free ice cream.
  • Middle School 2007-2009

    Middle School 2007-2009
    When I was in middle school I was still behind in reading but I was getting better. I never felt confident in my reading skills because I knew everyone was better than I was. When I was in a social studies class, the teacher did popcorn reading and this was the worst thing for me. I was called on to read from the textbook to the class and I messed up words and read very slow. Kids in the class were laughing at me and it was such an awful experience.
  • College 2014-2016

    College 2014-2016
    Now being in college, I have still issues reading out loud in front of my peers since I know I am not as good as everyone else. I have grown to love reading and will read in my spare time. I would rather pick up a book than watch TV.