Go Dog Go!
My mom began to read me the book Go Dog Go once I turend three years old.I was in love with the book. It was a very simple read and after time I even memorized the words. My mom used to tell people that the only way to get me to talk was to have me read that book! -
Friday Reading Nights
One of my favorite traditions with my mom was Friday Reading Nights. Every other friday my sister, myself, and my mom would sit on our bed and read books for an hour together. It was something I always looked forward to. We would make popcorn and read our favorite books. This really helped me to love reading. -
Reading party!!
When I turned 9 years old, I threw a reading party for my birthday. The only presents my friends were allowed to get me were books! My friends laugh at me for this now, but I was so happy to get books for my birthday! -
Junior Hign
Once I entered Junior High, my sister bought me the book "Oh the Places Youll Go." Although it is a childrens book, it holds a lot of good morals that even older kids need to remember. She gave it to me as a present to read whenever I felt sad or when I was unsure of where my life was headed. -
Get Well Soon
In Junior High I read the book Get Well Soon. It became my favorite book and was the first time I really felt connected to characters and a story. It allowed my love for reading to become even stronger. -
Once I got into High School I became very involved with my church youth group. Because of this, I began to read the Bible. This really challenged my reading and comprehension ability. I spent a lot of time disecting and studying the bible. Some of the words and phrases were confusing for me to understand but I think reading it helped my comprehesion skills. -
The Great Gatsby
In High School, reading became much more about study guides than it did about enjoyment. My Junior year we read The Great Gatsby and although I loved the book, the study guides and assigned reading were very hard for me to keep up with. I found reading had become more of a chore than an enjoyable hobby. This was the first time I found myself disliking reading. -
Articles and college
Reading in college was not what I expected. I thought there would be more textbook and book reading, but I found it was much more reading of articles. Many of my classes atttched articles online that we needed to read and it changed my way of looking at reading. Instead of looking at paper, I began to read things online instead. It made me realize all the different kinds of reading there is.