
  • Story Time

    Story Time
    When I was younger my mom would take me to the local library to pick out books for her to read to me. My mom only knew Spanish at the time so she would pick out books in Spanish and read those to me once or maybe a couple of times. The library at the time did not have a large selection of Spanish childrens books so she would read the same ones over a couple of times.
  • Menu

    Although I had never thought of a restaurant offering me much of a chance to practice my litearcy skill they did. When I was younger certian restaurnts would give me menus that were geared for kids. They would have word search puzzels and other activities that would keep me entertained until my food came. Looking at that menu I was able to look at the food options and pick what I wanted while practicing my reading skills.
  • Morning Writes

    Morning Writes
    My second grade teacher had the entire class working on our writing in the mornings when we would come to school. Sometimes it would be Monday mornings and she would want to know what our weeked consisted of. She would give minimal instructions as to what we could write about as long as we wrote. Students would come up with stories about something they made up or about something they did that they wanted to share with her.
  • Reading Centers

    Reading Centers
    In my third grade class our teacher Mrs. Medina would split our class into a certian nunber of smaller groups. Those groups would then go into their area that would focus on reading. One of the groups she had did small group reading with her, another would read to themselves, the next would read to a partner, and the last would listen to a pre-recorded book on a tape or on the computer.
  • Poetry

    In my fifth grade class with Mrs. Hernandez we went through a period of poetry. She would have is sit down as a whole class and she would read different poems to us. She also explained the basic vocabulary to us like stanza and rhythm. One of our assignments was to find a poem we liked and bring it into class, by doing so we were able to connect more to what we discussed because we picked what we liked. We also wrote some of our own poems we incorporated our own ideas, and used what we learned.
  • Driving

    In high school I started my drivers education course and I had to read and go over the drivers manual. I was excited to get my permit so I made sure I knew the book well enough to be then tested on it. Once I got my permit I still had to attend my drivers ed class and continue reading to learn the rules of the road. While driving I had to learn to read road signs as well even though they weren't words I could read the symbols were also important.
  • Com Class

    Com Class
    My freshman year of college I took my first official public speaking class, I was never a fan of having to speak in front of others and I am still not, but this class helped me out. In order to prepare myself for the speehces I had to research the topic heavily and read different resources that would help me better understand the topic. Our teacher required us to write an outline to better help us stay orginized.
  • Computer Searching

    Computer Searching
    My laptop is starting to slowly fail me. The battery doesn't last long at all and the programs on it run slower than usual, I then started looking online to try and find a new one I like. This has involved me spending some time reading reviews from others that have those laptops and the online demonstation videos people post. Because of that I now have a basic idea of what kind of laptop I want and what stores have them.