It's Clock and Memory speed are both 100MHz with 8mb -
Riva TNT2 M64
Its clock and memory speed's are 125MHz 150MHZ with 32 mb -
GeForce 256 DDR
It's clock speed is 120MHz and memory speed is 300MHz with 64mb -
GeForce2 MX200
It's Clock speed is 175MHz and its memory speed is166MHz with 64 mb -
GeForce4 MX420
It's Clock speed is 250MHz and it's memory speed is 166MHz with 64mb -
GeForce MX4000
It's clock speed is 250MHz with it's memory speed being 332MHz with 128mb -
GeForce PCX4300
It's Clock speed is 250MHz and it's memory speed is 666MHz with 128mb -
GeForce 6200A
It's clock speed is 350MHz with is memory speed being 500MHz and its memory 128mb -
GeForce 7100 GS
It's clock speed is 350MHz with its memory speed being 600MHz and 256mb -
GeForce 7600 GT 80 nm
It's clock speed is 560MHz and it's memory speed is 1400MHz with 256mb -
GeForce 9400 GT
It's clock speed is 550MHz and its memory speed is 1400MHz with 1024mb -
GeForce G 100
It's clock speed is 567MHz with 500MHz of memory speed and 512mb -
GeForce GT 420
It's clock speed is 700MHz and 1400MHz of memory speed with 2048mb -
GeForce 4057
It's clock speed is 589MHz it's memory size is 1402MHz and its size is 1024mb -
GeForce GT 6103
It's clock speed is 810MHz it's memory speed is 1800MHz with 2048mb -
GeForce GT 625
It's clock speed is 810MHz and its memory speed is 1800MHz with 1024mb -
GeForce GT 7405
It's clock speed is 993MHz and it's memory speed is 1252MHz its memory is 4096mb -
GeForce GTX 960
It's clock speed is 1127MHz with 1752MHz of memory with 4096mb -
GeForce GT 945A
It's clock speed is 1072MHz with its memory speed being 900MHz and 2048mb -
Geforce GTX 1080 T
It's clock speed is 1480MHz with is memory wpeed being 11000MHz with 11gb