My first computer
My first experience with a computer was as an undergrad at Cal Poly. We used Macs to learn about Excel and Word while completing our one computer class for a General Ed requirement. -
Geographical Information Systems
As a Forestry Major, I learned how to create digital maps using a Geographical Information Systems (GIS) program on the Mac you saw in the last photo. Each map detailed a different characteristic of a watershed location- soil, slope, ground water flow. By overlaying these maps (printed on a digital printer), I could then come up with an environmental management plan for the specific location. This learning process was overwhelming and took a lot of time, but I knew it was an important tool. -
Internet Cafes
I was living in Tuscany, Italy when 9/11 happened. The most affordable way to communicate with my loved ones was Yahoo email via the Internet. With no television or Internet at the farmhouse, I would drive to Florence (30 miles) and scrounge up Lire to pay to use a computer in an Internet Cafe. While I had used email at previous jobs, it became my lifeline to home. It still is to this day. -
Flip Video Camera
When I first saw the Flip Video Camera, I had to have one! I became obsessed with taking video of every aspect of the wine business- the vineyard seasons, harvest, wine events. I knew consumers, especially younger ones, wanted to see wine in action. I would take my short videos and post to our company website. Since many wineries in the area didn't even have a website, people were drawn to our Tasting Room because of the videos. This was Marketing 2.0 -
Wine Blogger's Conference
Because of the videos I created, I was invited to a Wine Blogger's Conference in Washington. One particular session was called "speed dating with wine". I had 5 minutes with each blogger to tell the story about my wines. It was swirl, sniff, sip, savor in fast motion! If they liked the wines, they would tweet immediately and then blog about it later. This was my introduction into instant online peer reviews & recommendations. I found it fascinating and still do (I'm on Yelp quite often). -
While working at wine events, I began noticing iPads popping up at exhibitor tables. Consumers would rather read about the wines while tasting them instead of talking to me. The iPads became a great marketing tool. Instead of spending money on point of sale paper materials, I could put everything on the iPad, provide a "virtual tour" of our tasting room, and encourage real-time wine club sign ups. Instant information- anytime, any place. -
When I heard about Square, a mobile payment company, I was taken back. Being able to charge customers on the spot at wine events was amazing! It completely changed the game of trying to get consumers into the tasting room to purchase wine. I realized then maybe brick and mortar businesses and high overhead could be a thing of the past. Little did I know a few years later I would be part of an online college. -
I never knew I had such a powerful tool sitting in front of me on my Mac. I love taking/finding photos and creating videos. It's the most creative I have ever felt. Creating digital stories feels like a treasure that will be passed down through the generations, at least this current one. -
Google Drive
I was hesitant to sign up for Google Drive and I'm not sure why. Once I did though, I was hooked. Being able to collaborate projects online (google slides) and have everything in one place (docs, photos, surveys) is such a time saver. I also appreciate that I can access everything from my phone, laptop, & iPad through their app. -
Professor Corrigan told me last year that screencasting was an excellent skill to acquire during this program. I am finally getting around to learning the skill and I am so glad. I know this skill will be yet another tool toward furthering my teaching/consulting career.