
Linux Timeline

  • Unix operating system released

    Unix operating system released
    • Authored at Bell Labs by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Douglas McIlroy, and Joe Ossanna
    • Written in Assembly
    • Given freely to whoever asked for it
  • Unix rewritten in C

    Unix rewritten in C
    • Unix rewritten in C by Ritchie
    • Made it easier to port to different platforms
  • Unix enters marketplace as proprietary operating system

    Unix enters marketplace as proprietary operating system
    • Occurred when AT&T was no longer required not to enter business with computer products
  • Work on GNU Project started

    Work on GNU Project started
    • Founded by Richard Stallman
    • Aimed to create a free Unix-compatible software system
  • Linus Torvalds takes a Unix course at University of Helsinki

    Linus Torvalds takes a Unix course at University of Helsinki
    • Torvalds' introduction to Unix
    • Frustrated by lack of usable free and open source operating systems
  • Work begins on "Freax/Linux" kernel

    Work begins on "Freax/Linux" kernel
    • Torvalds initially named his project Freax
    • Later renamed to Linux
    • Intended only for use with specific hardware, not expected to be ported
  • X Window system ported to Linux

    X Window system ported to Linux
    • X Window allowed the creation of a graphical user interface (GUI)
  • Integration with GNU Project tools and GPL

    Integration with GNU Project tools and GPL
    • Used GNU tools to implement various tools, like shells, compilers, etc.
    • Released under the GNU General Public License
  • Linux mascot "Tux" first adopted

    Linux mascot "Tux" first adopted
    • The very recognizable "Tux" penguin logo is adopted as an official mascot
  • KDE released

    KDE released
    • The first "advanced desktop environment" released for Linux
    • Was controversial due to use of proprietary Qt-Toolkit
  • Major companies begin supporting Linux-based systems

    Major companies begin supporting Linux-based systems
    • Many companies, such as Oracle and IBM, announce support for Linux
  • GNOME Desktop Environment Released

    GNOME Desktop Environment Released
    • Free and open-source competitor to KDE released for Linux
  • Oracle releases Red Hat Enterprise Linux

    Oracle releases Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • Dell begins selling laptops with Ubuntu Linux pre-installed

    Dell begins selling laptops with Ubuntu Linux pre-installed
    • Ubuntu is a very popular Linux distribution
  • Android released

    Android released
    • Sponsored by Google
    • Mobile operating system based on modified Linux kernel