Linux timeline

  • UNIX

    Para complicar aún más las cosas es el término UNIX . UNIX fue originalmente un sistema operativo desarrollado en AT & T Bell, en la década de 1970
  • Evolución de Linux y los sistemas operativos

    Evolución de Linux y los sistemas operativos
    La definición de la palabra Linux depende del contexto en el que se utiliza. Linux significa que el kernel del sistema
  • GNU

    Richard Stallman founded the GNU project, in order to create UNIX -like operating systems and compatible with POSIX . Two years later he created the " Free Software Foundation " and wrote the GNU General Public License to allow the free software in the copyright system .
  • System Minix.

    System  Minix.
    That same year was when the teaching operating system based on UNIX and created by Andy Tannenbaum, began to gain importance . This system was the Minix ..
  • the new Kernel

    the new Kernel
    when Linus just bought his first 386, the intention was to create a new kernel (which porteriormente called Linux) UNIX kernel based on Minix and change periodically so that it was able to run GNU applications
  • " official " Linux

    " official " Linux
    Linus announced the first version " official " Linux - version 0.02 .
    This version Linus was able to run Bash (GNU Bourne Again Shell) and gcc ( GNU C Compiler ) but not much more work. In this state of development or it was thought in the terms support , documentation, distribuciónx
  • the Penguin

    the Penguin
    in May 1996 Torvalds decided to adopt the penguin Tux like mascot for Linux
  • this year several owners IOS programs are released for linux

    this year several owners IOS programs are released for linux
    this year several owners IOS programs are released for linux

    in January 2001 the 24 series of Unix core .The core is released till now supports 64 gb of RAM
  • ubuntu

    Ubuntu is a Linux distribution for desktop type , based on Debian, this is known to everyone but behind Ubuntu is a curísosa history.
    On July 8, 2004 , Mark Shuttleworth and Canonical Ltd. announced the creation of the Ubuntu distribution, initially had funding of $ 10 million (US $ )
  • linux in 2.39

    linux in 2.39
    in May 2011 Linus Torvalds announced that version 3 would have more hardware support and would be the next version of linux 2.39