Linus Torvalds

By mregole
  • Born

    Linus Torvalds is born on December 28, 1969 in Finland.
  • Period: to

    Linus Tovalds

  • Bought first computer

    Bought first computer
    In 1987, Torvalds purchased his first computer, the Sinclair QL. This computer was one of the first 32-bit computers that could be used at home.
  • Torvalds attends college

    Torvalds attends college
    Torvalds began his degree at the University of Helsinki. He completed a master's degree in computer science.
  • Takes first class in C programming language

    Takes first class in C programming language
    This language is what Torvalds used to create the core of the Linux operatinf system.
  • Begins working on the Linux operating system.

    Begins working on the Linux operating system.
    Torvalds bought a new computer, the Intel 80386-based IBM PC and he also got the MINIX operating system. With this computer and this operating system, he began to create the Linux operating system.
  • Commencement of Linux

    Torvalds announced his new opperating decision, Linux kernal. It began as a small amount of C files.
  • Torvalds meets his wife

    Torvalds meets his wife
    Torvalds meets his wife, Tove nee Moni. They now have 3 daughters.
  • Linux Stock

    Linux Stock
    Torvalds was goven options for stock in his company Linux. After his company went public, the stock value rose by about $20,000,000.
  • Open Source Development Labs

    Trivolds began to work for the Open Source Development Labs. Since Trivolds has been working there, it has become the Linux foundation.
  • Linux update

    By 2006, about 2 percent of the Linux programming was written by Torvalds. This is considered a significsnt amount.
  • Awarded the C&C Price by the NEC Corporation

    Awarded the C&C Price by the NEC Corporation
  • Torvalds is inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame

    Torvalds is inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame
  • Recipient of the Millennium Technology Prize

    Recipient of the Millennium Technology Prize
  • Linux today

    Linux has grown quite a bit since its release in 1991. It started as just a few C file. Curretly, Linux consists of more than 18 million lines of source code.
  • Linux Authoiriy

    Torvalds currently has the highest authority to decide which new codes should be added into the Lenux kernel. He also owns the Linux trademark.