Linus torvalds

Linus Torvalds

By haylig
  • Linus Torvalds was born!

    Torvalds was born in Helsinki, Finland to Anna and Nils Torvalds, who were both journalists that attended the same university he did, the University of Helsinki.
  • Torvalds finds an interest in programming

    Torvalds finds an interest in programming
    He begins to dabble in programming at the age of 11 on his grandfather's Commodore VIC-20, using BASIC. (Link to interview where this is mentioned)
  • Began attending the University of Helsinki

    Began attending the University of Helsinki
    Began pursuing his degree in Computer Science.
  • Torvalds attends Richard Stallman's speech

    Torvalds attends Richard Stallman's speech
    Torvalds attends Stallman's speech about his GNU project at the University of Technology. This would eventually lead to him using it to license Linux.
  • Purchased a Intel 80386-based clone of IBM PC

    Purchased this computer and received his copy of MINIX, which set him on the path to begin working on Linux.
  • Announced his plan for LINUX

    Torvalds announces that he plans to create a UNIX-inspired operating system called Linux, and begins working on it. This was the first major internet-centered open-source project.
  • Linux kernel distributions are created

    Linux is licensed under GNU GPL and the first distributions of it are created
  • Many other developers begin working on Linux kernel

    Many other developers begin working on Linux kernel
    Over 100 developers begin working on the Linux kernel, adapting it to the GNU environment.
  • Version 1.0 of Linux is released

    Version 1.0 of Linux is released
    Torvalds deems Linux and its components to be ready for release and releases version 1.0 of Linux.
  • Open Source Community recognizes itself

    After years of not officially declaring themselves as a community, the group of people who believed in open-source recognized themselves as a community, which can be accredited to Torvalds for encouraging contributions from all.
  • Graduated from University of Helsinki

    He graduated with a masters in Computer Science from the University of Helsinki.
  • Version 2.0 of Linux is released

    The 2.0 version of Linux is released, increasing its appeal to many companies because of its capability of using multiple processors at the same time by using Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP).
  • Major companies announce support for Linux

    IBM, Compaq, Oracle, and other companies announce that they will support Linux.
  • Version 3.0 of Linux is released

    Major cosmetic change. Storage backend for Xen is added, and multiple changes are made to Btrfs filesystem and to graphics drivers, among other changes.
  • Torvalds is awarded the Millennium Technology Prize

    Torvalds is awarded the Millennium Technology Prize
    Along with Shinya Yamanaka, a stem cell scientist, he is awarded the Millennium Technology Prize and 600,000 euros.
  • Version 4.0 of Linux is released

    Support for live patching kernel code is added. DAX, Kasan, and lazytime added. New drivers and other small improvements.
  • Version 5.0 of Linux is released

    Support for energy-aware scheduling added. Adiantum file system encryption is added for lower-power devices. AMD Freesync is supported (among other new features)