Linea del tiempo: INGLES

  • Diferencias entre la Pronunciación: USA vs UK

    Diferencias entre la Pronunciación: USA vs UK
    La terminación IZATION es diferente del inglés británico y americano
    Algunas terminaciones en ILE son diferentes entre los dos
    En algunas palabras la letra A se pronuncia diferente
    ask/ laugh
    La letra T en el medio puede ser producida por una D rápida entre las palabras
    El sonido de la R es más fuerte en el inglés americano
  • Lie Detector: True or False?

    Lie Detector: True or False?
    The search for a reliable means to detect deception has a long history. Because of the poor ability of most people, even professional ‘lie catchers’, to identify when someone is lying, a wide range of techniques have been developed to assist in lie detection.
    In the early 20th. century, the polygraph, or lie detector was invented by John Larson and Leonarde Keeler
  • Ancient Greece: The Strength of Sparta.

    Ancient Greece: The Strength of Sparta.
    Greece is a country in southeastern Europe, known in Greek as Hellas or Ellada, and consisting of a mainland and an archipelago of islands. Ancient Greece is the birthplace of Western philosophy , literature , mathematics , history, drama , the Olympic Games, and democracy.
    Ancient Grece was continuosly in a state of war. At the age of seven, both boys and girls left their homes to go to school and get training.
  • Beavers: Leave It to Beavers

    Beavers: Leave It to Beavers
    Beavers are the second largest rodents. They are about 90 cm long can weight up to around 30 kg.
    Beavers use their powerful front teeth to cut down trees and others plants. Beavers build dams when the water levels are low in wetlands. When the water level is high enough, beavers build lodges.
  • Ultraviolet Light: Stay Sade from Ultraviolet Light

    Ultraviolet Light: Stay Sade from Ultraviolet Light
    When ultraviolet light is mentioned many people immediately think of either sunbeds, counterfeit money detectors, insect traps or fish pond disinfection units. Which through high-tech industrial, medical and scientific applications make our daily lives more comfortable, healthier and secure. There are three kinds of UV rays: UVA, UVB, and UVC. The ozone layer is like a gas shield around the Earth that blocks UV rays.
  • Greek Mythology: Olympic Love

    Greek Mythology: Olympic Love
    This story begins with Aphrodite and Apollo. One day Aphrodite became angry because Apollo did not love her back. Apollo gave laurel crowns to great athletes and poets.
  • UFO's: Do UFO's Exist?

    UFO's: Do UFO's Exist?
    The U.S. military received many reports of UFO's in the 1940s and 1950s. Then again, most reports of UFO's are from people who don't know about astronomy. UFO's are not alien spaceships.
  • Five Senses: Sense of Creatures

    Five Senses: Sense of Creatures
    Without senses, humans and animals would have a hard time trying to live in the world. Elephants talk to each other in a way that is beyond humans' hearing abilities. They can feel vibrations in the ground.
  • Operas Vs. Musicals: Musical or Opera?

    Operas Vs. Musicals: Musical or Opera?
    Operas are much older than musicals. The first one was performed in 1598. The first musicals were performed on Broadway in New York City, in 1879. Most musicals are comical although they sometimes have some sad elements
  • Ecotourism: Traveling to Heaven

    Ecotourism: Traveling to Heaven
    To minimize the pollution, we traveled in a vehicle that ran on environmentally friendly fuel. I discovered the beauty of nature during the trip. One day, I hope ecouturism will help my children experience heaven on Earth like I have.
  • Pamukkale: A Cotton Castle

    Pamukkale: A Cotton Castle
    Pumukkale is famous for sacred hot water springs and ancient buildings. Pamukkale is also an important historical site. Mineral water from the springs is distributed into a body of water called the "Sacred Pool"
  • Soccer Matches: Who Will Be the Winner?

    Soccer Matches: Who Will Be the Winner?
    Pele, one of the best soccer players in history, is one of the worst soccer match predictors. He mentioned Spain in particular, though, and they ended up winning the World Cup. Paul, the psychic octopus is retiring.
  • Volunteer Doctors

    Volunteer Doctors
    Volunteer Doctors Heal the World In some parts of the world, people live in very poor conditions. They must deal with problemas like natural disasters, war, and diseases. Volunteer Doctors visit struggling areas in places like South America and Africa. International organizations like UNV and Doctors Without Borders help people who are need all around the world.
  • Caves: A Hidden World

    Caves: A Hidden World
    Scientists study caves to uncover a hidden world of human history. Since caves are closed off, humans used them for shelter and protection. Now, caves are an important part of our studies to help us better understand our ancestora.
  • Mummies: Ancient Egyptian's Afterlife

    Mummies: Ancient Egyptian's Afterlife
    Most of the ancient Egyptian tombs uncovered by archaeologists had been robbed or ruined by treasures hunters. When a person died, the life-force and personality ere separated from the pysical body. Finding and studying well-preserved mummies give us the opportunity to better understand what life was like in ancient Egypt.
  • Animation: Taking Animation to a Whole New Level

    Animation: Taking Animation to a Whole New Level
    Traditional animation uses drawings or photo images. Thanks to the invetion of computers, these characters are now drawn using computer animation. But the realistic new movies being made with computer animation now appeal to people of all ages
  • Workbook: Ecoturism

    Workbook: Ecoturism
  • Workbook: Pamukkale

    Workbook: Pamukkale
  • Workbook: Soccer Match

    Workbook: Soccer Match
  • Workbook: Fermented Food

    Workbook: Fermented Food
  • Workbook: Volunteer Doctors and Caves

    Workbook: Volunteer Doctors and Caves
  • Workbook: Mummies and Animation

    Workbook: Mummies and Animation
  • IT'S OVER!

    IT'S OVER!
    the last class of english
    everything has an end

    Reading Peak 2.
    Reading Peak 2.
    Reading Peak 2.
    Workbook Peak 2.
    Workbook Peak 2.
    Workbook Peak 2.