Línea del tiempo

  • Period: 4600 BCE to 540 BCE


  • 4000 BCE

    1st ocean (Panthalassa)

    1st ocean (Panthalassa)
  • 3600 BCE

    1st forms of unicellular life

    1st forms of unicellular life
  • 3500 BCE

    Estromatolitos (guide fosil)

    Estromatolitos (guide fosil)
  • 2400 BCE

    First ice age

    First ice age
  • 2100 BCE

    1st most complex life forms (invertebrates)

    1st most complex life forms (invertebrates)
  • Period: 540 BCE to 250 BCE


  • 522 BCE

    Trilobites (guide fosil)

    Trilobites (guide fosil)
  • 438 BCE

    Fish age

    Fish age
  • 435 BCE

    1st land plants (gymnosperma)

    1st land plants (gymnosperma)
  • 360 BCE

    Amphibian age

    Amphibian age
  • 335 BCE

    Emergence of the supercontinent (Pangea ||)

    Emergence of the supercontinent (Pangea ||)
  • 270 BCE

    Age of reptiles

    Age of reptiles
  • Period: 250 BCE to 65 BCE


  • 245 BCE

    Dinosaurios (guide fosil)

    Dinosaurios (guide fosil)
  • 200 BCE

    Age of birds and mammals

    Age of birds and mammals
  • 174 BCE

    1st angiospern plants (with flowers)

    1st angiospern plants (with flowers)
  • Period: 65 BCE to 1 BCE


  • 64 BCE

    Numulites (guide fosil)

    Numulites (guide fosil)
  • 12 BCE

    Appearance of the first hominids

    Appearance of the first hominids
  • 1 BCE

    Appearance of the first homosapiens

    Appearance of the first homosapiens