linea del tiempo

  • Period: 250,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE


  • Period: 7000 BCE to 476 BCE

    edad antigua

  • 2021 BCE

    War of ucrine and Rusia

    War of ucrine and Rusia
  • 2020 BCE


  • 2000 BCE

    uncut stone tones

  • Period: 2000 BCE to

    Hoy en dia

  • 1931 BCE

    Proclamation of the second Spanish republic

  • Period: 1789 BCE to 1945 BCE

    edad moderna

  • Period: 1789 BCE to 1945 BCE

    edad contemporaña

  • 1782 BCE

    steam machine

  • Period: 1453 BCE to 1789 BCE

    edad media

  • 1500

    Mechanical clock

  • compound microscope

  • printing

  • lightning rod

  • glasses

  • first World War

  • Dictatorship of General Franco, head of the Government and of the State

  • Espain cúp win

  • the coin

  • bathtub

  • soap

  • key

  • wooden spear

  • fire

  • honey and drink

  • pottery

  • fur drees

  • rise of agriculture and setllements

  • Period: to
