linea de tiempo patricia

  • Period: 4600 BCE to 540 BCE


    GEOLOGICAL EVENT: First ocean
    CLIMATE EVENT: First Glaciation
    FOSIL GUIDE: Estromatolites
  • 3800 BCE

    First unicelular form

    First unicelular form
    Los primeros seres vivos fueron bacterias procariotas y unicelulares
  • Period: 570 BCE to 250 BCE


    GEOLOGICAL EVENT: Creacion del Super continente Pangea
    CLIMATE EVENT: Elevados niveles CO2
    FOSIL GUIDE: Trilobites
  • 520 BCE

    Most Complex Life Form

    Most Complex Life Form
    Cambrian: First vertebrates
  • 477 BCE

    First Land Plants (gymnosperm)

    First Land Plants (gymnosperm)
  • 413 BCE

    First arthropods

    First arthropods
  • 317 BCE

    Fish Age

    Fish Age
    Devonian: First FIshes on the earth
  • Period: 220 BCE to 65 BCE


    GEOLOGICAL EVENT: desplazamiento de los continentes hasta distribución actual
    CLIMATE EVENT: Clima cálido y estable
    FOSIL GUIDE: Ammonites and Belemnites
  • 210 BCE

    First dinosaurs

    First dinosaurs
  • 200 BCE

    Amphibian era

    Amphibian era
  • 145 BCE

    Age of reptiles

    Age of reptiles
  • 67 BCE

    Angiosperm plants

    Angiosperm plants
  • Period: 40 BCE to 1 BCE


    GEOLOGICAL EVENT: finaliza deriva continental
    CLIMATE EVENT: Últimas glaciaciones
    FOSIL GUIDE: nummulites
  • 36 BCE

    Last Glaciations

    Last Glaciations
  • 30 BCE

    Age of birds

    Age of birds
  • 7 BCE

    first homminids

    first homminids
  • 2 BCE

