Civil war image (1)

Lincoln Timeline

  • Civil War ends

    Civil War ends
    The confederates surrender to the Union, the north wins
  • Day of Assassination

    Day of Assassination
    Lincoln is shot in presidential booth during a show.John goes and shoots him in the back of the head
  • Day after assassination

    Day after assassination
    Booth is escaping.Lincoln was pronounced dead.Mobs throughout the nation.
  • Nation Grieves

    Nation Grieves
    Church service for Lincoln.Preacher compares Lincoln to Jesus
  • 5 conspirators arrested

    5 conspirators arrested
    Investigators arrest suspicious people
  • Lincolns funeral

    Lincolns funeral
    Funeral held at white house.Many Americans attend
  • Atzerodt Arrested, Booth, and Herold Still At Large

    Atzerodt Arrested, Booth, and Herold Still At Large
    Authorities still don't find booth.$100,000 reward if found
  • Lincoln Funeral Train Departs

    Lincoln Funeral Train Departs
    Leaves Washington, travels country for 12 days
  • Booth and Herald in Virginia

    Booth and Herald in Virginia
    Booth and Herald get to Virginia. Confederate soldiers helped them.
  • Closing on Booth

    Closing on Booth
    Police using tips to catch booth
  • Herold Surrender,Booth killed

    Herold Surrender,Booth killed
    Herold surrenders and Booth refuses, he is shot in the neck
  • Conspirators Stand Trial

     Conspirators Stand Trial
    8 defendants stand trial for Lincolns murder