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Starred in Hamilton
Lin wrote and starred in his hit musical Hamilton that promoted diversity on the broadway stage. -
Creates Ham4Vote campaign in 2016 election
Sparks the Love is Love movement with sonnet
Lin's Tonys acceptance speech was a sonnet devoted to his love for his wife as well the tragic shootings targeting lgbt+ individuals the night before. This sparked a long lasting #loveislove pride movement -
Writes "Love Make the World Go 'Round"
This song was written in response to the Pulse nightclub shootings in order to promote awareness and send proceeds to the Somos Orlando Fund, to benefit those affected by the attack. -
Aides finance to Puerto Rico with the Hispanic Federation
Miranda teamed with the Hispanic Federation to award seven organizations $100,000 each from a fund that totals $2.5 million, created in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. Miranda announces this while in a press conference on the island -
#Ham4Earth Prizeo contest
Lin teams with his wife Vanessa Nadal, a scientist, to encourage donations to the Natural Resource Defense Council (NRDC) with the chance to see the opening night of Hamilton in London. -
Writes "Almost Like Praying"
This song was written to recognize the devastation that Hurricane Maria had on the towns and citizens of Puerto Rico. Proceeds from this song were given to The Hispanic Federation's Unidos Disaster Relief Fund. -
Bringing Hamilton to Puerto Rico
Miranda has made the commitment to open a three week run in Puerto Rico in January 2019, and star in it himself. "In the aftermath of Maria, we decided to expedite the announcement of the project to send a bold message that Puerto Rico will recover and be back in business, stronger than ever," he explains. Large amounts of seating will be devoted to inexpensive raffling in order to ensure accessibility for all audiences.