Nov 3, 1534
Act of Supremacy
This act from Henry VIII enacted the power of the monarch as the head of the Angelicin Church. This action, while not directly leading toward absolutism, did help acquire more power to the monarch which eventually would help them in their path to become a monarch with absolute power. Image Source:https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Westminster_abbey_west.jpg -
Charles I Personal Rule
This period which lasted from 1629 to 1640 demonstrated Charles I true desires as he dismissed Parliament. In this period, Charles I aspired toward some land and spend bucket loads worth toward the Thirty Years' War, launching England in debt. Image Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Anthony_van_Dyck_-_Charles_I_(1600-49)_with_M._de_St_Antoine_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg -
English Civil War
This war was the cultivation of military power from Parliament with the New Model Army led by Oliver Cromwell against Charles's army made up of simple people and nobility. The war was an ultimate way to answer whether an absolute monarch or a constitutional monarchy should rule England. This was the first large scale action to secure a limited monarchy in England. 1642-1646 Image Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Battle_of_Naseby.jpg -
Oliver Cromwell becomes the Protectorate
After the defeat of Parliament in the English Civil War, Oliver Cromwell, acting on behalf of the New Model Army became protectorate of England. But ironically Oliver Cromwell didn't get what he wanted from Parliament, dismissing them, launching England into a unexpected form of military dictatorship, becoming into something not of a limited monarchy. 1649-1660 Image Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Oliver_Cromwell_by_Samuel_Cooper.jpg -
Charles II becomes King
After the death of Oliver Cromwell, Charles II was in line and became king. This started the restoration period which didn't turn out all that successful, especially in establishing limited monarchies. He didn't work well with parliament and working with other counties which hindered the establishment of a true constitutional monarch. Image Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:King_Charles_II_by_John_Michael_Wright_or_studio.jpg -
The Glorious Revolution
This "revolution" was the transfer of power to William and Mary of Orange to become the King and Queen of England. This peaceful transfer of power did help foster the limited monarchy in England. Image Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:William_of_Orange_III_and_his_Dutch_army_land_in_Brixham,_1688.jpg -
English Bill of Rights are Signed
The English Bill of Rights finally bring order to monarchy by establishing a constitutional limited monarchy that was enacted by William and Mary. Other agreements of parliamentary power was put in place in the documents. Image Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Allegory_of_the_English_Bill_of_Rights.png